Turn Off Management

There are two tabs in this admin screen:

When DealerMine is first installed at a dealership, it will activate all customer/company files that exist in the In-house system, including some customers/companies that may not require contact on a regular basis. To clean up the database, important decisions have to be made as to whether or not these customers should be contacted. The option to add and activate/inactive the codes to modify a customer/company file for some or all contact methods in DealerMine is done from the Turn Off Management administration screen.

The Turn Off Management screen allows auto-groups to manage and customize Turn Off Codes and monitor turn off usage. It also has the functionality to turn customers/vehicles back on.

To view how the user Activates/Inactivates a customer, from the Customer Profile screen, click on the Customer/Company name, and the functionality is located under the tab Customer Information section Name Information and select the Status drop down. The Inactive Reasons listed are created and activated from the Turn Off Management screen. To view how the user Activates/Inactivates a VIN, from the Customer Profile screen, click on the Customer/Company name, and the functionality is located under the tab Contact Types (VIN Specific).