
Productivity. Objective. Gross. Answer Rate.

Productivity - The goal here is 80% productivity for each individual user. This number is based on the amount of time spent on the phone, and in between phone calls. Basically, the more calls an Appointment Coordinator can make, in the least amount of time, will result in a high productivity level. When it comes to outbound & inbound maintenance calls, there are many ways we coach the appointment coordinators to maintain the quality of the calls while still keeping them short and sweet.

Objective - The amount of calls to make in a day, per queue. The total objective is based on the dealers contractual obligation, or service level agreements.

Gross/appt - The gross per appointment is based on the dealers manufacturer. Appointment Coordinators must ensure they are up-selling each recommended service due.

Answer Rate - The calculations for the Answer Rate takes the whole queue into account. The goal is an 80% answer rate for all queues.

How it Works

In the name tag you'll see the letters, P.O.G.A, with circles around them, some filled in green and some white.

      • A green circle indicates they've met or gone beyond their goal for that specific criteria.

      • A white circle indicates they have not yet met their goal for that criteria.

The number (9790105) in the image is the users ID number.

  • Inside the name tag, click on the Stats tab. This is where the user will see their POGA stats for the day.

      • The number on the right side of each line, is their goal.

      • The number in the middle represents their current score. The color red means they are below the required objective.

Note: The name tag shown above corresponds to the diagram shown to the right.

double click on the line for a break down of each store.

BDC users will also see a new 'star' icon in their name tag shown in the image below, which holds their QPS scores.