BDC Release Notes

2022 V 9.4.2

Service Enhancements & Resolutions


1. Users are now able to easily turn off their email signature through the dropdown under the email tab or it can be turned off in user setup under user info and setup.

2. We have made a change to the verification of customer information process. Now, when a BDC agent has confirmed the customer's address etc. they will need to click the Verified Info button in order to record the date and/or time of the verification. Simply making a change to the info and clicking save will no longer record this. If a change to the information is required, users will need to click both the Verified Info and Save buttons.

3. For security reasons, users will now be logged out of the DealerMine application after 1 hour of inactivity. This will affect all internal and external DealerMine users. If the system is not used in any way for 55 minutes, a warning will be displayed, and users will have the option to click “Stay Logged In” and the timer will reset for another 55 minutes. At any time during the 55 minutes if the system is used in any way the timer will reset.

If the user does not click the Stay Logged In option, after 5 more minutes of inactivity they will automatically be logged out of the application, and the message “You have been logged out due to inactivity” will be displayed on screen. Users can then log back in and continue to work as normal.

4.On the appointment prep tab when changing filters we are now clearing the prep work category.

5. A new option has been added to the appointment prep to view all items

6. Users are able to run a fetch query under the contact history source to pull appointment prep. Please keep in mind that when users are sending an appointment notification users are able to change the subject therefore this query may not be accurate if the subject has been changed.

7. We have created the ability to send all Dealermine users both internal and external, a communication that will appear at the top of the screen. When an important and immediate announcement needs to be communicated by Support, Infrastructure, Development etc throughout the day, users will see a button with a red orb containing 3 exclamation points (!!!) appear at the top of the Dealermine screen titled “Important News”.

When users click on this button, it will display all messages that need to be communicated, as well as the date and time it was sent.

Users can then click the desired message to open a pop up window, and read the notification. Notifications will remain in place until the creator turns it off in the set up screen.

8.We have added a metric to Task Center that will allow users to see the time it took for a user to start working on a Task after it has been received.

Once a task is completed, 2 lines will appear under the dealership name.

The Retrieval Time indicates the time between when the task was received to the time a user began work on it.

The Completion Time indicates the amount of time it took the user to complete the task.


  1. There was an issue on some stores where the email accounts were suspending, when no change had been made to the username or password. This was being caused by an expired GetEmail certificate, which has now been renewed. The email accounts in question are now working properly.

  2. There was an issue when listening to voicemails via Telephony, in that users were unable to move the slider back or forth to listen to a specific portion of the recording. This has been resolved.

  3. There was an issue where the stats tab of Task Center would time out, and not load. This has been resolved.

  4. There was an issue where users in Newfoundland were unable to mark a day in the appointment schedule as Full. When they did, and then refreshed the schedule, the change had not held. This was caused by a time zone issue, and has now been resolved.

  5. There was an issue when a new user was created for a branched dealership, where the new user would automatically be granted access to all branches. This has been resolved, and new users will now only be granted access to the branch they are created for, unless someone manually grants them access to other branches.

DMS Enhancements & Resolutions


  1. PBS - There was an issue where some PBS customers were unable to add or update a customer profile. This has been resolved.