Version 7.0


Service CRM Enhancements & Resolutions

  1. Recall Merge Fields - there was an issue with the recall merge fields not populating on email templates. This issue has been resolved and all recall data will now merge as expected.

  2. Transportation Configuration - when attempting to change colors on any transportation type the color chosen was not saving. This has been resolved.

Sales CRM Enhancements & Resolutions

  1. Sales Merge - now when performing a Sales Merge any sold customer files that have already been merged to the prospect file will be sales merged automatically.

  2. Copy VIN on Trade - a VIN can now be copied at any point after being added on a Trade entry. This will help users that need to copy/paste into other systems.

  3. Desking - The Desk Manager will now auto populate based on the Desk Manager logged in and working the deal. The Desk Manager will no longer have to choose their name from the drop down, unless it's set to a different name and it needs to be changed.

  4. After Sale Followups - no after sale followups will now prompt for any customer that is buying out their lease. We will use the logic that when the same customer # and same VIN have a new deal # do not prompt for a Sales Schedule.

Service CRM Enhancements & Resolutions

  1. Customer Search - "View Button" - use the view button rather than double clicking on a row to view any customer profile.

  2. Texting Tab - Now in Beehive a user will be able to Mark a Text as Read or Unread by right clicking on the Text row. The text will display bolded until it has been marked as read, then at that time will no longer display as bolded and will be moved from the "Incoming Today" tab to the "Last 30 Days" tab.

  3. Store/Branch added to Book Appt form - we are now displaying the store/branch names in the Book Appointment form when booking. The branch name can be changed using the drop down available.

  4. Issue Management - All Resolved and All Unresolved tabs are now visible to users with access.

  5. Edit an Appointment from Appt Sched - When on the Appt Schedule and selecting to edit an appointment by right clicking, the Book Appt form will open over the Appt Sched where they can change the time and date or add services by Adding a Line. If the user is adding Recommended Services they can click on the Profile tab and the Book Appt form will display over the customer’s profile where services can be added to the appointment.

  6. Texting Templates can now have merge fields added to any of them. Please go to Templates and Batch Setup and add/edit any texting template to see which fields are available.

  7. Indicators - There was an issue where the indicators on the profile screen were not opening when being clicked. I.e No Show, Confirm, Fetch etc. This issue has been resolved.

  8. eService - when confirming an eService appointment and the user is having to search the customer we will not longer display the Defaults popup in the Search screen. We will now display a blue arrow beside each field that has information displaying, the user can clear all the information for the Search and click on the blue arrow to restore which information they want to search by.