Version 9.4.1


Service CRM Enhancements & Resolutions

We have improved our Online Scheduling system to be more in tune with other similar products on the market. We plan to have all of our customers using our existing e-Service product moved to the new Online Scheduler by the end of March 2022. If you have any questions regarding this change, please reach out to your Account Manager.

For more information on the changes we have made Click Here

Due to a potential vulnerability found in the Silverlight code, we have removed the DealerMine Silverlight application. Anyone attempting to use the old link to access DealerMine will be presented with an Error 503 Service unavailable message.

We have added the option to “turn off” batch texting for individual customers. This works much in the same way as turning off Auto Calls and Batch emails, in that turning this off will not affect a BDC user’s ability to continue to make one to one text message contact with the customer.


  1. There was a brief issue where customer information was not loading. This has been resolved.

  2. There was an issue with the Appointment Prep email that is sent to the dealership, in that it was displaying the Elapsed Mileage of the vehicle instead of the Estimated Mileage of the vehicle. This has been resolved.

  3. There was an issue when booking by skill, that users had the ability to overbook appointment time slots. Additionally, users were able to book appointments when times were blocked (scheduled or custom made) on the schedule. Both of these issues have been resolved.

  4. There was an issue where users were unable to save changes to letter templates via the Manage Letter Templates option. This has been resolved.

  5. It was noted after the previous release that the date format on the Fetch screen was displayed incorrectly, in the Firefox browser only. This has been resolved.

  6. There was an issue when a custom block was added or deleted from the appointment schedule, on days when no appointments had been booked, where the entire schedule would display as blank, with no blocks of any type. This has been resolved.

  7. There was an error occurring in E-Service when a customer logged in to the system, and selected a vehicle and added their mileage. This has been resolved.

  8. There was an issue where the red orb on the issues tab was not displaying for some users. This has been resolved.

  9. There was an issue when scheduling an auto report to be sent at a future date, in that it was sending it the next day instead. This has been resolved.

  10. There was an issue when sending an opt in text from a Branched store, in that the customer would always receive the opt in text from Store 1 Branch 1 instead of the actual branch it was intended to be sent from. This has been resolved.

There was an issue in the Contact Support window, where the name of a Branched store was not displaying in the Store/Branch drop down. This has been resolved.

DMS Enhancements & Resolutions


  1. There was an issue for some Xsellerator stores, where the inventory was not populating the price, exterior color, interior color and mileage, in the Browse Inventory screen. This has been resolved.

  2. There was an issue for CDK stores, in that users were getting an error message, and unable to save updated customer information. This has been resolved

  3. There was an issue for Xsellerator dealerships, in that DealerMine was not pulling the complete list of Sold vehicles from the DMS. This has been resolved.

  4. There was an issue for some Serti dealerships, in that not all service history was being displayed on a customer file. This has been resolved

Sales CRM Enhancements & Resolutions

We have made it easier to determine if the current salesperson on a customer profile is inactive by displaying them in Red.

Additionally, we have changed the current salesperson displayed in Purchase History to the Current Salesperson on the Deal, instead of the Current Salesperson of the customer.


  1. There was an issue where leads with phone numbers starting with a +1 country code were resulting in a “no match found” scenario when the user searched for the customer. This resulted in many duplicate customer files being created. This has been resolved, and the +1 is now stripped from the phone number when the search screen is opened from the Leads window.

  2. There was an issue where the Showroom Appointment Report was displaying salespeople from other branches of a store when the report was sorted “By Department”. This has been resolved.

  3. There was an issue where customers listed in the My After the Sale tab of the Workplan were duplicated numerous times. This has been resolved.

There was an issue when the reassign salesperson icon was used on the customer profile screen, that the newly assigned salesperson would not display until the profile was manually refreshed. Now, once the new salesperson is selected an OK has been clicked, it will refresh and display appropriately.