Customer Information

Customer information is originally retrieved from the DMS with our integration pull.

  1. Customer Name - click to View/Edit the customer's information. (if there is no customer name users are able to click on other name)

  2. Contact Name (under customer name)

  3. DOB

  4. DealerMine logo/DMS logo with corresponding customer #'s

  5. Sales - Reynolds stores only (click to view Total Labour Sales per customer)

  6. Address To: (optional) to be entered in the Customer Information Screen. The example above shows the address lines selected for copy/paste purposes.

  7. Home, Work and Cell phone numbers

  8. Email Address (email will appear in red if it has bounced within the last 90 days and has not yet been verified in the Customer Information screen)

  9. Salesperson name based on last sold deal, reassignment date or last sales activity date (using the most recent date). This will be visible on sold customers and prospect files. On prospect files it will always go by the last activity date.

  10. Language (optional) to be entered in the Customer Information screen.

  11. INQ - which indicates this customer was Inquired on (searched).

  12. eService icon - which indicates this customer is a register eService User.

  13. Star Rating icon - customer rating out of 10. See Influence Network

  14. Associations icon - Influence Network

  15. Sun/Moon - which is signifying Day or Night preferences

Bounced Emails

  • The Fetch ROI Report will track how many emails bounced on any given campaign.

  • Login to your Jangomail account and go to Reports to view your Bounced Report. (Admin Screen - Jangomail Setup)

  • Search any bounced email in DealerMine and you will see the email address as flagged in red if the email has bounced at least once in the last 90 days.

  • You can manage your bounce handling in Jangomail as well and set a limit from 1-9. The default setting is 3 for a bounce limit. Once an email bounces 3 times it will be considered an invalid email account and no emails will go to this address again, unless the setting is changed in Jangomail

  • When a user selects the customer's Preferred Method of Contact in Contact Methods, DealerMine will display a Yellow Star beside the preferred method in the Customer Info section of the Profile screen. To set the Preferred Method of Contact go to Editing Customer Information > Contact Methods.. When the user hovers over the Yellow Star on the Profile screen, a tool tip will display "Preferred Method of Contact". If no Yellow Star displays this will indicate no preference has yet been specified.

DealerMine displays an information icon beside the customer’s email on the customer profile to indicate which method of email contact is turned off. This icon will only display if there is at least one contact method turned off.

Mailing Address, Home Phone, Work Phone, Cell Phone, Email Address - Green check indicates these contact methods are ON, red X indicates the contact methods are OFF.

Canadian dealerships may see the CASL opt out icon, meaning the customer has opted out for emails.

A Customer Profile with Purchase History displays the current Salesperson and last contact date. A Prospect Customer Profile (-4 number) displays who entered the Prospect.

  • To copy an address, simply select the address using your mouse and right click and "copy". See screenshot above.

  • If a Dealership has purchased Showroom/Equity, an icon of a Thermometer will also display next to the customer's name. The icon represents if the customer is "Likely to Buy" a vehicle. Place the cursor over the Thermometer and displayed is "Likely To Buy Level #". The number is based on a scale of 1 through to 3; 3 being the most likely to buy.

Last Verified - On the Customer Information screen, to the left of Save, is the Verified Info button, when this button is clicked, the Last Verification date updates which is displayed above the button Last Verification: months and days. The purpose of updating the verification information is to display the last time the customer's contact information was verified; therefore, the Appointment Coordinator doesn't have to ask the customer to verify their information every time they call (which can be a couple of times a week). This information is also displayed under the Twitter symbol on the Profile screen.