Feb 20/19

DealerMine Enhancements & Resolutions


  1. Now when creating a Texting template Spanish is now a language option.

  2. Access can now be given in User Setup - User Access - Followups to “View All Refusals” for the Follow-ups tab on the Profile screen.

Service CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


  1. Now when Service Leads come through they will be linked or parsed by also using the VIN.

  2. No Show appointments that are older than 7 days will automatically be removed from the call select screen and from the open appt table. This will help with new installs where they have hundreds of old noshows which need to be cleaned up. Since they are deleted they will no longer require a cleanup.


  1. There was an issue with the STATS tab not being viewable within the Name Tag. This has been resolved.

  2. There was an issue with changing Advisor status' from Active to Inactive and an error was being thrown. This has been resolved.

Sales Enhancements & Resolutions


  1. Now when marking a Traffic Log entry “Sold” either from the Traffic log hist tab or from the Traffic log users will be prompted to enter either a Worksheet number (by default the one that is displaying on the TL will be selected), Select Stock (will take you to the Inventory where you can select), and Manual (enter the stock # manually).