Book by Tech

DealerMine users can now "Book by Tech" when booking an appointment in DealerMine. In order to use our new feature, each DMS will require the ability to Pull and Push Technicians on a service line.

Currently PBS, XSellerator, CDK and Reynolds have the ability to do this.

This option is only for a DMS that can pull and push a Tech name on an appointment.

Now Dealerships have the option to added a Tech to a service line when booking a service appointment in DealerMine!

When booking an appointment and the DMS is able to pull and push a tech on a service line, a Tech drop down will display in the "Operation Details" popup when Adding a line in the Book Appt form. All the Techs will display in the drop down, for the Store/Branch they are booking for.

When a Tech name displays in Red this will indicate that the Tech is not working at the selected time or is fully booked for the time or date selected, when Green this will indicate the Tech is available, Greyed out indicates the Tech is not working for the selected date. In the Tech drop down, the availability for each tech in hrs.

Once a Tech has been selected and saved (changed ), the popup will close and the Tech's name will display on the service line on the Book Appt Form.

Users can change the Tech on a service line to another tech or use Unassigned, by opening the appointment to Edit. In the Book Appt popup click on the pencil on the service line, then in the Tech drop down select the new tech or Unassigned and then click Change. The new tech name will now display on the Service Line and the appt will be moved to the new Tech on the Appt Sched and will be removed from the previous tech.

Once an appointment is booked, the Appt Sched will display the appt in the Technician's column under their Team name. To view By Tech the user will need to select By Tech in the Type filer drop down on the Appt Shed. When By Tech is select the Appt Sched will display all the Teams and the Techs.

When an appt has been booked and there is a different tech for each service line, the Appt Sched will display the appt under each Tech and will display the service that they were added to. The book time slot will display the EST time for the service and the total time of the appointment.

The Est time and Appt count of each Tech will make up the Appts (Booked/Max) and Hours (Sold/Max) for their Team.

When viewing By Tech the Team filter will display, when the user drills down with the Team filter the Tech name will display under the Team name on the Appt Sched.

Custom blocks:

Users are able to right-click on a time slot and create a Custom Block for a Tech. When booking and adding a tech to a service line, if the Tech has a customer block for that time users can still book however there will be visual sign that the Tech is not available, Tech name will display in Red with a hover over tool tip explaining why the Tech is red. The info icon will also display with a hover over tool tip as well.

Setup for Book by Tech

In the Admin Screen > Appointment Schedule > Technician Setup > Specification tab , the technician will need to be checked as Active and needs to be assigned to a team from the Team Name drop down.

In the side screen shot, Cathy is now linked to Lube 2.

When on the Appt Sched "Cathy" will have a column under the team "Lube 2". When hovering over the Team name, a tool tip will display the advisor name that is linked to the team.

Once the Specification setup is completed then go to the Work Schedules tab and create a work schedule for the for the Technician. As you can see in the screen shot, Cathy works Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm with breaks from 10am to 10:15 am and from 3pm to 3:15pm

To move the Tech to a different Team. Go to Admin screen > Technician setup screen, on the Specification tab, click on the Tech name in the list on the left, then select a different team from the Team Name drop down and Save. When the user goes back to the Appt Sched the appt will display the Tech and their appts under the Techs new team.