V 8.10.10

July 17/2019

New DealerMine Feature

Appointment Prep

“Appointment Prep” is a brand new feature which allows users a quick and easy way to communicate appointment details internally. Communicating to the Dealership that a task needs to be completed prior to the appointment can take a lot of time. Instead of the user having to jump around to separate tabs, copy and paste, etc, it is now done directly inside DealerMine with the click of a few buttons.

Here's how it works.

In the "Book appt" window, click on the "Send Notification" Checkbox.

After you click "Book Appt" this window will appear. First, select which category the task falls into, and select the user you would like to notify. You can send to more than one users at a time. Then click "Send" in the bottom right hand corner.

The "Send" button will not display until a user is selected.

If a user needs to send the notification after the appointment is already booked, simply search the customer, click on "Open Appt" in the bottom left hand corner, then click on "Send notification". The window above will appear.

  • A user will receive an email when a notification is sent to them, and the task will be stored in the "Appt Prep" tab in DealerMine.

  • Choose filters on the side - Search field will not override filters chosen. Make sure to choose the correct Store/Branch, date range, etc.

  • Once task is completed User will click "Mark as completed". You can then filter by "Completed" or "Not Completed".

  • If the appointment has a work in progress, a WIP will display in red under the "vehicle" section.

  • When you click on the Envelope in the "Notification" section a window will display with the email sent.

All email notifications sent will be tracked in the "Email History" tab on the customers profile.

  • To give a user access to Appointment Prep, go to "User Setup" > Select User > click "User Access" > Check "Appt Prep"

  • "Accept Notification" will give the user access to the "Appt Prep" tab, and their username will show in "Send Notification" window to receive emails.

  • "Push Notification" will give the user access to send notifications but will not see the "Appt Prep" tab.

  • The user must be set up to email in DealerMine in order to send notifications.

Contact Support

User can now send in a Screen shot when sending in an issue by clicking on the "Contact Support" button. With the Contact Suppot popup open simply click on the "Browse to Add Attachments" and then select the screen shot and it will display in the popup.

Service CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


1. In “fetch” a new field was added in the “Appointment History” source. This add-on allows user to detect which source appointments are being booked from; Dealermine, DMS, or eService.

2. Special order part comments are now pushing into Dealermine in the “comments” field. Only for CDK.

3. Maintenance pricing is now formatted to present more clearly on the profile screen under recommended services. Hover over a recommended service and pricing is now showing in more of a point form manner.

4. If a customer using our Eservice tool enters in their VIN and clicks “Next Step” without first clicking “enter” on their keyboard or the magnify glass beside the VIN, Dealermine will display a message at the bottom of the screen telling the customer what to do.

5. Unread Orphan texts will now display at the top of the page.

6. In order for an orphan text to prompt a red orb over the subtab it must be both, unread AND not linked to a customer

7. Specification screen, “Shop Hours” > “Schedule”.

Users were getting an error message when trying to save the max hours and max appts if they tried to add hours like "60.5". To fix the confusion we made it impossible to add anything other than a number in these boxes.

8. In “Customer Information” > “Contact Methods” Auto calls has been changed to display as “Auto calls/Voice drops. This will make it more clear to the user how to turn off a customer for voice drops if they insist.

10. In the specification screen “Email Setup” > “Email Admin”, if a store/branch does not have an email provider, the only thing that will display in that tab of the spec screen will be “Add Provider”

11. On the profile screen, merged files will display in alphabetical order in the drop down. When a file is newly merged it will take a nightly download for the file to display in alphabetical order.

12. When sending an email in DealerMine users will be able to send without having to add subject line.

13. Now the Free Texting numbers can be saved to use as an inbound number in the Texting setup screen. Once the Free texting number has been saved as a inbound phone number it cannot be unchecked.

14. We have added a feature in “Templates & batch setup” > “Batch contacts” > “Emails”. When a user edits or adds a new batch contact, and the batch type is confirm appointment, you’ll see an option that says “Transportation”. When a transportation is chosen, DealerMine will send the email that corresponds to the transportation booked on the appointment. For example, this will be helpful for key drop appointments so the confirm appointment email sent to the customer won’t say that the time of their appointment is at 5:30am, (or whatever the key drop time is set to).


1. Users were getting an error message “Time of day not available”. in the "Book Appt" window. This has been resolved.

2. The “Advisor Setup” warning was popping up every time a user would open up the “Book Appt” window. We updated this warning to only pop up when a user tries to book a time slot that is unavailable for the advisor selected.

3. A user can choose a preferred method of contact either from the customer information tab by selecting home, work, or cell, or, from “contact methods” and clicking the star. Whichever tab you use to select the preferred contact method, it will stay consistent in both tabs.

prefferd method.mp4

4. There was concern with text messages not automatically linking to customer files. This has been fixed.

5. Users were unable to send emails to a customer when being redirected to the profile after linking to a web lead. When clicking “send email” they were getting an endless spinning wheel. This has been resolved.

6. In the Decline specification screen, we were not considering Zero as infinite. The phase has been changed so that "0" is considered infinite.

7. Booking Appointments with and without Prevention's

Prevention's ON

When booking an appointment in DealerMine with Prevention's ON users can still;

      • update an existing appointment on a day where the team/day is marked as full

      • update an existing appointment if the Max hours/appointment are over the max

      • update an existing appointment by changing the appt time or transportation code as long as there is availability (new time slot is available, and not over booking a transportation)

      • update an existing appointment and add a service, as long as the new service is not over booking an opcode.

Prevention's OFF

When booking an appointment in DealerMine with Prevention's OFF users will be able to book as usual;

      • if they are over booking DealerMine will display a popup letting them know that they are over booking, however DealerMine will not prevent them from clicking Book Appt or Update Appt button.

      • if over booking on an transportation code or opcode they will display in RED as a warning, however DealerMine will not prevent them from clicking Book Appt or Update Appt button.

Sales CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


1. We have enhanced our “Showroom Configuration” specification screen. In “Traffic Log Types” we have added a new column named “Internet Traffic”. In “Sales Steps” we added a new column named “Internet Steps”.

Now, in the Sales Cycle Report - All Traffic, users will see in the report type drop down - "Internet".


1. The automatic Followup window was not appearing when "Add new Followup" radio button was checked off after completing a current followup. This is has been resolved and now prompts for the user to create a new follow up if that button is checked.

2. There was concern where some users had multiple employee numbers in the DMS and this was causing their names to duplicate on the sales cycle report, purchase history tab, and some other places in DealerMine.

3. The "All" filters in the "Web Leads" tab were not working properly. This has been resolved.

DMS Enhancements & Resolutions



QUORUM - There was concern that the comments on a line were getting cut off half way in the “book appt” form.

QUORUM - When a user adds a decline opcode to an appointment, DealerMine will automatically add 0.5 hours to the line, as the hard value is set to 0.5 est duration. After the nightly download the hours would change to zero. This has been resolved.

QUORUM - There was an intermittent issue where a Vin could not be decoded when adding to a profile so users were getting a Server error. This has been fixed and is working.

QUORUM - We were only pushing the general appointment comments to the "Req/Symptoms" column in the service appointment list view in Quorum. We changed it to push the first opcode line of the appointment.

Did you know?

Did you know by hovering over the information icon on the Book Appt form, DealerMine will display a tool tip as to why you cannot book.

Coming Soon!

Delivery Log

The Delivery Log allows users to input a delivery directly into DealerMine. Why work in two places when you can do it all in one?

Stay tuned for further details.