Send Letter

Send Letter

  • Following the call flow, when it's time to send a letter to the customer, click the Letters button.

  • The Letter brings up a template screen which allows the user to send a letter of their choice, based on the Contact Type chosen.

  • Address this Letter to - displays full name on Profile, plus Contact Name if it exists.

  • Salutation - displays First Name and Full Name. Use the drop down to add any custom text to the Salutation. Ie. comma, or another name.

  • Special Comments - Use this box to type additional information to be included on your letter. *This is dependent on the "Special Comments" merge field being added to the letter template.

  • Maintenance Services Due - check any services you'd like to appear on your letter. *This is dependent on the service merge fields being added to the letter template.

  • Click Send Letters to send & recycle, moving automatically to the next customer on your list.

  • The Letters tab will light up with a red orb after each letter you send, going up to 9+.

  • Go to Letters tab when you are ready to print and mark your daily letters as complete.