Version 9.2.7

November 2020

Service CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


When trying to delete a Batch schedule in Fetch on the Campaign Hist tab, the user will now be presented with a second popup if the campaign has already ran. This popup will let the user know why they are not able to delete the schedule.

Now users have the ability to edit the scheduled date on a campaign by going to Fetch > Campaign History and click on the pencil beside the batch schedule you wish to edit. When the pencil is clicked a "Edit Campaign" popup will display where the user can edit the date and time to run the schedule and Save, the campaign schedule date must be in the future to edit.

*If the date is in the past the user will not be able to edit the campaign date.

We have changed the Technician setup screen to display both the Tech DM and Tech DMS number. When adding a Tech from the drop down both DM and DMS number will display in the list, also when a Tech has been selected from the active list on the left side of the setup screen and on the Specification tab the DM Tech number will display on the grid.

We have added a new option called “Notify on survey complete”. This option will allow users to receive an email notification every time a survey has been completed.The new option is located under templates and batch set up in the survey tab.


  1. There was an issue on branch stores when sending a batch email where the responses were coming into the wrong branch inbox. This has been resolved.

  2. There was an intermittent issue where recommended services were not displaying when booking an eservice. This has been resolved.

  3. There was an issue with Labor gross not displaying on some reports due to an integration issue with automate. This has been resolved.

DMS Enhancements & Resolutions


PBS - When booking an appointment in DealerMine if an inactive advisor was selected DealerMine will now display an error message when trying to book an appointment.


  1. Xsellerator - There was an issue where the recommended time would display as 0.3 instead of 0. This has been resolved.

  2. Xsellerator - There was an issue where the recall campaign number was not pushing to Xsellerator. This has been resolved.

Sales CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


When creating a batch Fetch Automation and the recycle drop down is set to "Sales" now new text will display letting the user know the batch will not send before showroom is open.


  1. There was an issue where we were not receiving the accessory and fee information from autovance this caused errors to populate in DealerMine. This has been resolved.