Showroom Configuration

Unsold Options

Unsolds allow you to keep in touch with unsold traffic log entries based on any status' included in the setup. You can customize specific schedules based on status and traffic types, and there are multiple contact options available.

Choose Status to Include in Unsold Schedules

The list will include all Status' for the selected store/branch. Check off any status under the Unsold column to include in an unsold schedule. All status' that are not checked, will not be included in the schedules. Also check off any status to include in the Lost status category, which can automatically switch a status to LOST after x -number of days.

Lost Status after ___ day

Choose any number of days to automatically flag Traffic Log entries as Lost. Ie. 180 days an unsold traffic log entry will flip to lost if the lost status column is checked for the corresponding status.

Unsold Automated Workflow

The unsold automated workflow gives you control to setup custom schedules based on status and traffic type and days/hours since traffic entry.

  1. Click Options > Add Unsold Options


  1. Include Customers with Future Followups - check this box to include customers in this schedule even if they have a future followup booked.

  2. Starting Parameter - Choose a Date in which will be the starting date.

  3. Contact Option - Email

  4. Template Name - choose any template that has been previously setup and linked to the Unsold Category.

  5. Sending Time - Choose the number of days and/or hours to initiate the email, which is based upon the Traffic Log entry.

  6. Send Emails from a Sales Manager of a Team - Use this option if you'd like send emails from a Sales Manager of a Team that is setup. We will always use the Sales Manager's name and email as the sender if this option is checked.

  7. Send Email from a Specific User - if this option is checked a drop down will appear showing you all users with access to that store/branch. You can choose this option if you'd like to bypass the Salesperson or assignee on the Traffic Log entry and ALWAYS send from a particular person. Ie. unsold internet leads always going out from the Internet Lead Manager rather than the Salesperson assigned.

  8. From Email - Enter a default email address that will ONLY be used if there is no active Salesperson on the Traffic Log entry.

  9. Display Name - The display name will only be used if there is NO Salesperson name on the Traffic Log entry.

  10. No Vehicle Interest - check this box to include Traffic Log entries that do not have a vehicle interest specified.

  • Emails will be always be sent from the Salesperson (or assignee) on the Traffic Log as the sender email and sender name, unless another option is specified.

  • The merge fields in the email will merge accordingly using the data on the Traffic Log entry and again using the Salesperson's information.

  • The From Email and Display Name are a safeguard, and will only be used as a fallback if there is no active Salesperson connected to the Traffic Log entry.

Worksheet Items

DealerMine has the option where users can add Fees to a WorkSheet in the setup screen with no price and have it display when creating or printing a Worksheet. This option will need to be turned on by our Support team. Once turned on these fees can be entered by going to the Admin screen > Showroom config > Worksheet Items in the Misc Fees/Items section.