Version 9.3.4

June 2021

Booking By Technician is here!

DealerMine users can now "Book by Tech" when booking an appointment in DealerMine. This will assist dealerships in managing their Technician's daily schedules.

To use this new feature each DMS will require the ability to Pull and Push Technicians on a service line.

Currently PBS, XSellerator, CDK and Reynolds have the ability to do this.

This option is only for a DMS that can pull and push a Tech name on an appointment.

Now Dealerships have the option to added a Tech to a service line when booking a service appointment in DealerMine!

When booking an appointment and the DMS is able to pull/push a tech on a service line, a Tech drop down will display in the "Operation Details" popup when Adding a line in the Book Appt form. All the Tech names will display in the Tech drop down for the Store/Branch for booking.

When a Tech name displays in;

  • Red this will indicate that the Tech is not working at the selected time or is fully booked for the time or date selected.

  • Green this will indicate the Tech is available.

  • Greyed out indicates the Tech is not working for the selected date.

In the Tech drop down, the availability for each tech will display in hrs.

Once a Tech has been selected and Saved (changed ), the popup will close and the Tech's name will display on the Service line on the Book Appt Form.

Users can change the tech on a service line by opening the appointment to Edit, click on the pencil on the service line, then in the Tech drop down select the new tech or Unassigned and then click Change. The changed tech name will now display on the Service Line and the appt will be moved to the tech on the Appt Sched and will be removed from the previous tech.

Once an appointment is booked, the Appt Sched will display the appt in the Technician's column under their Team name. To view By Tech the user will need to select By Tech in the Type Filer drop down on the Appt Shed. When By Tech is select the Appt Sched will display all the Teams and the Techs.

When an appt has been booked and there is a different tech for each service line, the Appt Sched will display the appt under each tech and will display the service they were added to. The booked time slot will display the EST time for the service and the total time of the appointment.

The Est time and Appt count of each Tech will make up the Appts (Booked/Max) and Hours (Sold/Max) for their Team.

When viewing By Tech the Team filter will display when the user drills down with the Team filter the Tech name will display under the Team name on the Appt Sched.

Custom blocks

Users are able to right-click on a time slot and create a "Custom Block" for a Tech. When booking and adding a tech to a service line, if the Tech has a customer block for the selected time, users can still book however there will be visual sign that the Tech is not available. A tech's name will display in Red with a hover over tool tip explaining why the Tech is red. The info icon will also display with a hover over tool tip as well.

click here to setup view By Tech on the Appt Shed.

Setup for Booking by Technicians

In the Admin Screen > Appointment Schedule > Technician Setup > Specification tab , the Technician will need to be checked as Active and needs to be assigned to a team from the Team Name drop down.

In the side screen shot, Cathy is now linked to Lube 2.

When on the Appt Sched the tech "Cathy" will have a column under the team "Lube 2".

Once the Specification setup is completed then go to the Work Schedules tab and create a work schedule for the for the Technician. As you can see in the screen shot, Cathy works Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm with breaks from 10am to 10:15 am and from 3pm to 3:15pm

To move the Tech to a different Team. Go to Admin screen > Technician setup screen, on the Specification tab, click on the Tech name in the list on the left, then select a different team from the Team Name drop down and Save. When the user goes back to the Appt Sched the appt will display the Tech and their appts under the Techs new team.

*Appt Sched will need to be refreshed when these changes are made.

Service CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


1. We have improved booking with Package Opcodes in that when a package is booked either by manually inputting the opcode, or selecting it from the Recommended Services using the Shopping cart feature, all services that are included in the package will change from “NotOffered” to “InPackage”

2. We have made a change when the Show Avg. Lbr Grs & Sales is not selected in User Access, it will no longer display at the top of the service description pop up screen. Previously it was only removed from view on the call select screen and from the recommended services menu on a customer profile.

3. When booking an appointment in DealerMine and selecting a Service from the Recommended Services, each service will show as Accepted.

If a user goes back to the appointment and deletes one of the services that service will show in the Recommended Services as Removed, it will remain as Removed until the appointment is closed or deleted, then will display as Not Offered.

4. We have made improvements to Key Report 4.6, the customer number will no longer display with commas and the customer information will not be overwritten.



5. We have made a change in how the Texting templates display when a text is double clicked and responded to from the Texting tab instead of the customer's file. Previously, we would remove the merge fields as the system cannot determine the correct information from this screen to populate. Now, the merge fields will remain in the templates, as an indication to the user that these fields will manually have to be filled in. In order for merge field to be automatically filled out users are encouraged to go to the Profile screen.

6. We have improved the Batch ROI report to include Recalls and SPORD when these types of Batch contacts are set up on a Store/Branch.

7. We have improved the Recycle Set Up screen so that it will now calculate when E-Service and Decline Recycle codes were last used. Please note that this calculation takes over night to complete.

8. We have improved how the Key Drop row displays on the Appt Sched when viewed By Skill. Previously, all Key Drop appointments would display only in the first column. Now they will display under the skill the appointment is booked for.


  1. There was an issue in Firefox where the Reason Code list on the Recycle pop up was not refreshing to the top of the list after a user had recycled a customer's file. This was caused by code in Firefox that will remember the last position you were at in a drop down list. This caused the reason code list to remain fixed at the previously used reason and the user would have to manually scroll back to the top of the list. This has been resolved and the list will now scroll back to top the next time the window is opened.

  2. There was an issue where the "Address To" merge fields in the Letter templates were not working. This has been resolved.

  3. There was an issue where the DMS customer number would not be displayed on the Search screen when the store filter was set to All. This has been resolved.

  4. There was an issue where the Key Drop line was not being displayed on appointment schedules that had intervals of 60 minutes. In this case, the Key Drop time must be set at the top of the hour, otherwise the slot will not display on the schedule.

  5. There was an issue where fuel type data was not being pulled in fetch. This has been resolved.

  6. There was an issue where it appeared that Confirm batch emails were not being sent upon users booking an appointment for a customer. The emails were actually being sent, however there was no record of this occurring in the contact history or email history on the customer’s profile. This has been resolved.

  7. There was an issue where the options Open RO - Finished, Open RO-In Process and Open RO-No Status were not displaying in the View drop down on the Appointment Schedule. This has been resolved.

6. There was an issue with the formatting on several screens in the application for users in Firefox and Chrome. This was caused by these browsers updating to their most recent versions. If you are using either of these browsers, please ensure you are using the most recent version.

  • In Chrome click the 3 vertical dots in upper right corner, and select “Help” then “About Google Chrome”

  • A new tab will open, and the version will be displayed. The most current version of Chrome is 91.0.4472.77

  • In Firefox, click the 3 horizontal lines in the upper right corner, and select “Help” then “About Firefox”

  • A window will pop up, and the version will be displayed. The most current version of Firefox is 89.0

7. There was an issue in how the opcode control pop up was displaying. This has been resolved. It will now appear with the proper indicators of when an opcode can be booked.

8. There was an issue when creating a new customer file, and sending the opt in text from within the Customer Information Screen. If a user selected the store/branch from the drop down in this window the system was not populating the correct store/branch information. This has been resolved.

9. There was an issue where O365 accounts were suspending due to a credential change by the creators of the account, however this suspension was not showing in DealerMine. This has been resolved

10. There was an issue when users Activated/Deactivated a customer in DealerMine, in that the timestamp of the action was recorded in Atlantic time, instead of the Dealership’s time zone. This has been resolved.

11. There was an issue in the mileage calculation that prompts maintenance due, when Option B (Specific Mileage vs Recurring Mileage) was used to set up a maintenance schedule, and this was causing services to be prompted too early. Now the calculation will take into account at what mileage the service was last performed, and add the mileage interval set up to that number to prompt the service again. For example: If the mileage interval is set up as 5,000 km then to prompt again at 20,000 km and the service is performed at 5500 km, the service will not prompt again until the mileage reaches 20,500 km.

DMS Enhancements & Resolutions

We have made a change in our Reynolds & Reynolds integration in that if an appointment is pushed from the DMS, the Integration Data tab will indicate this.


  1. Xsellerator - There was an intermittent issue where Xsellerator users were unable to use the shopping cart feature when booking an appointment. This was due to the MMC code for specific services being longer than expected. This has been resolved.

  2. Xsellerator - There was an issue in Online Scheduling for Xsellerator customers, where the times associated with the SC codes were not being pushed to the DMS with the appointment, resulting in the time defaulting to 6:00 pm or End of Day. This has been resolved.

  3. Xsellerator - There was an issue in Xsellerator for stores that were using the Online Booking “Push to DMS” option. When the estimated mileage of a vehicle was sent to the DMS, it was changing the “Last Odometer” field in Xsellerator. This has been resolved. Now when an appointment is booked online, the estimated mileage will no longer be pushed. It will still be pushed when an appointment is booked in Dealermine.

  4. DealerBuilt - There was an occasional issue in Dealerbuilt, when a user edited an appointment, the appointment would get delete instead. This has been resolved.

  5. Serti - For Serti DMS we were not processing all closed RO information during the daily download. Due to this missing information, the Upsell Analysis report was showing past appointment & work orders information.

Sales CRM Enhancements & Resolutions

DealerMine is happy to announce, we are now in the first stage of having “Branching” for our Sales CRM!

The current salesperson calculation will be as follows;

  • The salesperson on the latest deal for that customer/branch (taking all merged customer files in consideration).

  • If there is no deal for the customer on a branch, DealerMine will use the salesperson on the latest Traffic Log or Lead entry (taking all merged customer files in consideration).

Branching for a multi branch dealership will mean that a customer in DealerMine can now have a Salesperson per Branch. When a customer has a salesperson for more than one branch, the customer’s profile will now display the salesperson’s name, instead it will display “Multiple Salespeople”. A hover over tooltip will display each branch and the salesperson per branch for that customer.

On the Portfolio the Sold Customers will now take into consideration the current salesperson per branch, whereas before a customer could only have one salesperson.

On the Portfolio, in the Prospect filter file, DealerMine will display any Prosper or Customer file that has a Lead or Traffic log entry that has been assigned to a Salesperson per Branch.

On the Sales Merge tab we will now properly display the current salesperson per branch.


We have made a change to the wording in the pop up menu when you right click on a lead in the Web Leads tab. Now instead of saying “Duplicate Lead” it reads as “Find Duplicate Lead”

We have changed the word Freight to now read as “Destination and Delivery. This will display on the Worksheet, after a vehicle is built, additionally it will display under Taxable fees on the Desking screen, as well as all printable versions of the worksheet.


  1. There was an issue where users were getting a generic error message when creating sales follow ups. The error was caused by the user not having a valid Google Calendar set up in Google Calendar Integrations. This has been resolved.

  2. There was an issue where contact history was not being recorded properly for Unsold Schedule batch emails. This has been resolved.

  3. There were a couple of issues in our logical branching logic for stores that were using Vehicle Make to split their work orders and sold vehicles data between branches. These issues were causing vehicles and deals to appear on the wrong branch, and have now been resolved. *Note Logical branching occurs when a dealership does not have separate branches in their DMS, however they use Dealermine to split their data into separate branches.

  4. There was an issue where the confirm button in the License Scan Mobile app was cut off on some devices. This has been resolved.

  5. There was an occasional issue where customers were receiving duplicate unsold batch emails within days of each other. This was happening because a traffic log entry was made for the customer, which qualified him to receive the first unsold email. Then before it could be sent, the status got updated on the traffic log entry, and a worksheet was saved for him, thus changing the status change date, and this new date qualified the customer to receive the same unsold email, only a day later. This has been resolved.