Survey Hist

Survey History tracks all surveys that were sent to and received from the customer through DealerMine.

There are 11 columns under this tab:

  • Survey Name - Displays the name of the survey that was sent to the customer

  • Contact Type - Displays the contact type that was selected for the email on set up

  • Score - Display the score for the survey and is a clickable link

  • Satisfaction - Displays how satisfied the customer is

  • Star Rating - Displays the customers star rating

  • Customer Name

  • Vehicle

  • Sent Date - The date and time the survey was sent

  • Completion - the date and time the survey was completed

  • Source

  • Device - displays the device the survey was completed on

Clicking on the Score opens a Survey Result Detail popup.

The pop up will display the answers the customer gave for each question and how much each question was scored.