By Skill

Viewing by Skill

Will give you an overview of the shop based on skill. Operation codes can be linked to skill groups in order to display the scheduled work under the appropriate skill column. Ie. All transmission opcodes linked to Skill Group "Transmission" will appear on that column and be counted towards the total number of hours scheduled for that skill on that day.

To setup go to Skill View Setup screen.

By Skill sorts appointments based on the skill group.This view displays the appointment schedule by the skills associated with various opcodes, and it has limited number of slots for each of these skill types.

  • It is possible for an appointment o span multiple skill groups if it has multiple line items. In this case, it appears separately in each group's column.

  • If an opcode is linked to a skill group, that group will show on the book appointment form. If a store has skill-based booking and has the preventOverflowBooking flag turned on, times that don't have room for the appt's opcodes will be highlighted in red, and the offending lines will have their groups highlighted in red as well. In this state booking cannot be completed.

  • To mark a Skill group as full for the day, right click in header column and select "Mark as Full".