Work Schedules

  • Technicians do not have default work schedules assigned to them upon installation; therefore, it's required to create a schedule to keep the calculated hours as accurate as possible.

  • Click Options and you will have the ability to Add New Rule. Rules are pieces of a work schedule, which can be partial days, full days and multiple days based on how they are setup.

Add New Rule

  • Choose a Begin Date - will always default to the Monday of the current week.

  • Choose Start Time and End Time

  • Frequency - Defaults to Weekly, however can be changed to Daily.

  • Interval - The interval if 1, will tell the system to repeat this same rule every week. If 2, repeat every other week, if 3 every third week and so on. This is based on the Frequency being set to Weekly.

  • Range - Defaults to Infinite - meaning the cycle is endless. You have the option of choosing a certain number of occurrences, or an until date.

  • Extra - Use this section to determine which days of the week the rule is being applied to.

Hit Save to ensure the new rule is saved.