Sales Reassign

The Sales Reassign tool is designed for Sales Managers to oversee the dealerships portfolio and ensure all customers/prospects have an active Salesperson on file. The Portfolio will have a red orb on it, as will the Sales Reassign tab when their are deals needing to be reassigned. When a Salesperson is flagged as Inactive in User Setup their portfolio should be reassigned to another Salesperson to ensure future communication takes place.

Users can choose the store/branch they want to view at the top

Inactive Salespeople - This filter will allow you to sort by a specific Inactive salesperson

Note - Inactive Salespeople will default to All

Unassigned Deals - This filter will allow you to filter by Deals that are not assigned, deals that are assigned and both deals that are assigned and not assigned

Note - Unassigned deals will be defaulted to No

Below unassigned deals users can filter by Customer, Prospect or All

The steps to reassign are as follows:

  1. Using the Inactive Salespeople drop down, select a Salesperson.

  2. The Portfolio results will appear defaulting to "All", meaning customers + any DealerMine prospects that don't exist in the DMS system, giving a total.

  3. Use the Filters to view only customers or only prospects if necessary.

  4. Using the command buttons on the left you can Select All or choose one by one ticking off the selection box in the first column of the results grid.

  5. When finished selecting customers to reassign, click Reassign.

  6. A pop up box will appear allowing you to decide who will be the new assigned Salesperson on each customer file. Select one or more for reassignment and click Done.

6. A pop up box will appear allowing you to decide who will be the new assigned Salesperson on each customer file. Select one or more for reassignment and click Done.

When doing a Sales Reassign in the Portfolio, DealerMine has added two options in the “Change Salesperson” popup.

  • “For Prospects”, use the active salesperson from the last deal” check box. When this box is checked , DealerMine will look for the salesperson on the last deal and reassign to them, otherwise it will use the round robin.

  • “For Customers”, gives the ability to user the last Traffic Log Salesperson within the last 6 months if active.

BDC Managers and Sales BDC Users will also appear in the drop down to be chosen as the new assignee of the customer if they have the option "Also a Salesperson" checked in User Setup.

Once customers have been reassigned to a new Salesperson they can be found in the Portfolio > My Customers > My Assigned Deals.

As of Release version 9.2.3

Users will now only have to select the customer once on the sales reassign tab to reassign the customer. Before if the customer had multiple deals the user would have to manually select each individual deal to reassign. This could cause issues where the user may accidentally assign the deals attached to one customer to different sales people.