Version 9.1.4

Nov 28/2019

Service CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


1. Users can edit which file is the "Parent File" of merged customer files. In the Customer Information Window, under "Merge" select the file you want to make the "Parent File" then click "Make File Parent". This will move that file to the top of the list, and change the icon from one orange man, to two green men.

2. Users can customize the Categories on the Appointment Prep Notification. On the "Appt Prep" tab in the top right hand corner click on "Edit Category". The user can add a Category title, as well as add a default subject line that goes with that category.

3. DealerMine now has the ability to include inactive customer files on the Call Select screen for the Contact Type, “Special Order Parts”. Please contact Support if you would like to use this option.

4. DealerMine now displays an information icon beside the customer’s email on the customer profile to indicate which method of email contact is turned off. This icon will only display if there is at least one contact method turned off. See below for Instructions:

5. Default opcodes can now be setup to automatically be added to each appointment. In Opcode Utilization: You can either edit an existing opcode, or add a new one if needed.

6. We have broken out our maintenance Configuration setup screen into 4 separate windows. Access can be customized for each separate screen.

7. A new Fetch field "Maintenance Group" has been added under source code "Appointment History". This will return results for appointments booked (BookedDate) for specific Maintenance Groups.

8. When a Batch contact is activated or inactivated in Templates & Batch setup, DealerMine will display the date and the name of the user who did the action. Users can now sort the columns "Update By" & "Update Date".

9. We have made some adjustments to the Store Access Screen in User Setup, user will be able to see the two different grids more clearly. As well as a hover over tool tip to show the full of the Store.

10. When booking and the user is getting the message that the “Shop” is overbooked we have added a hover over tool-tip to better explain how we determine the shop/team is full.

11. A “History” grid as been added to the Select letter to Reprint screen, so users are able to see when a letter was last reprinted and who reprinted the letter.

The grid will display;

  • LetterDate - date and time the letter was created

  • LetterName - the name of the letter reprinted

  • UserName - user name of who reprinted

  • Status - Reprinted

  • EntryDate - date and time of the reprint

12. Prevent “No Team” booking

  • If Prevent No Team booking is turned On the "No Team'"entry will be pushed to the last one in the "Book for Team" drop down, the drop down will then default to the first team.

  • If Prevent No Team booking is turned Off the “No Team” entry will show up first in "Book for Team" drop down for selection.

  • If Prevent No Team booking is turned On and the “No Team” selected from the "Book for Team" drop down the user will not be permitted to book/update an appointment, The Book/Up date button will be disabled and a message “Prevent 'No Team' booking in Book Appt Form” will be displayed in the info icon tool-tip.

13. There is a new recycle reason named eService. When a user is calling a customer for an eService reminder they are able to recycle the customer for a contact type “eService”. Recycle codes for eService can be added in recycle setup.

14. We have improved on the results of clicking on the Appt Sched from a profile with an Open Appt indicator. The Appt Sched will scroll to the customer's appt and the selected appt will display with a border and the customer's name bolded.

15. If a customer books an appointment at a branch that is not their default, the appointment schedule will default to the branch the appointment is booked under.


  1. A recycled web lead was displaying in Atlantic time on the Contact History tab. This has been fixed to display the Dealerships correct time zone.

  2. In "Shop Hours" there was an issue where the waiter schedule was not clearing from the "Waiter Times" tab when the "Schedule Waiter" box was unchecked. This has been fixed.

  3. On the Appointment Schedule "View Tech Schedule" the technicians would not display for the day selected on the scheduler, they were only displaying for "Today's date". This has been resolved.

  4. There was an issue where an opcode that was linked to a Transportation code could not be added to the Book Appt form. This has been fixed.

  5. The Voice Drop Report was not calculating the Batch Jobs correctly for Unsold and marketing. This has been resolved.

  6. There was an intermittent issue where users would attempt to answer an inbound call using Telephony, user could not answer and would have to log out as the screen would freeze up. This is now working.

  7. There was an issue with merged files, the VIN on a Child file only displayed on the parent file. This is fixed.

  8. Users were unable to play their recorded Audio files for Voice Drops in Voice Drop Configuration. This is now working.

  9. Some users were getting an error message when trying to import a file to fetch. This is working properly now.

  10. There was an issue where users were not able to book or update an existing appointment in DealerMine. This is fixed.

  11. There was an issue with eService where Recommended Services were displaying more then once when booking the appointment for the customer, in the Contact hist tab on the customer’s profile and when validating the eService appointment. These issues have all been fixed.

  12. When booking a Service appointment using eService service were not displaying correctly as DealerMine was removing the numbers for example Service 2 would display as Service. We have corrected this.

13. There were a couple changes made to the scheduler:

  • There were users experiencing an issue with the Appt Sched, when adjusting the view or switching dates, the headers were not lining up. This has been fixed.

  • When changing a date on the appointment schedule, DealerMine was not remembering the tab the user was on and defaulting back to Operations tab. This is fixed

Sales CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


1. We are now displaying an email address column in the Duplicate Lead popup.

2. A new Fetch field "Remaining Payment" has been added under Source code "Sold Vehicle Data".

3. Users now have the option not to display "Be Back" as a Traffic Log type. Please contact our Support team to setup this option.

4. When doing a Sales Reassign it will now update and reassign the Sales Person on the Web Lead for that customer.

5. A “View” button has been added to the Portfolio > Sales Merge tab. User can now click the View button and will be redirected to the customer’s profile.

6. DealerMine now has the option not to show "No Media" for a Media Source for all Showroom screens. Customers will need to call to have Support set this up.


  1. There was an issue where users had access to see the Total Gross on the Desking screen when they did not have access to do so. This has been resolved.

  2. There was an issues with the Orbs on the Work Plan, an Orb was displaying for the My Followups tab, however there were no new Followups. This is fixed

  3. When creating a new prospect and clicking the No email box, DealerMine was display “No Email” and not the Default email address that is setup in Store Setup. This is fixed (See image)

DMS Enhancements & Resolutions


SERTI - There was an issue with DealerMine Download for Serti Vehicles. This was causing some vehicles to display under the wrong customer file. The issue has been resolved, all vehicles are displaying on the correct customer files.

QUORUM - There was an issue with the service history download, it was not pulling the proper opcodes from Quorum causing opcodes to display incorrectly in Service history. This is now resolved.

QUORUM - There was an issue with appointment lines pushing duplicate opcode Descriptions. This has been fixed with an API update.

QUORUM - When pushing appointments into Quorum the Opcode description and the Tech group was missing information. This is fixed

QUORUM - There was an issue with Service Codes as they were changing when pushing into Quorum. This is fixed

QUORUM/ADP - There was an issue with updating appointments where the Transportation was changing to “Waiter” after the daily download ran. This is fixed.

QUORUM - There was an issue where the time was changing on an appointment when pushing the appointment from DealerMine to Quorum. This has been fixed.

QUORUM - In the Book Appt form, in the "Operation Details" window, the tech drop down displays both tech groups, and the names of the Technicians. It will displays the groups first, then the technicians. Please call our Support team to have this setup

PBS - There was an issue for PBS user, when transferring a vin from one customer file to another users were getting and Error. PBS has fixed this issue.

PBS - There was an issue with PBS users, when updating a customer file that was "Company" after saving it was defaulting to "Personal". This is now fixed.

Did you know?

Did you know, you can specify which users have the access to see the gross on the Desking screen.

Did you know, when there is a RO without an appointment and the RO is either customer pay or warranty pay this will be considered a Walk-In. An RO with internal pay only will not count as a Walk-In.

Did you know, you can create multiple Batch Jobs with the same contact type for Voice Drops.

Did you know, users cannot add accents to a customers name. DealerMine will remove the accent when the save button is clicked.

Did you know, DealerMine only keeps NoShows appointments for 7 days after the appointment date.

NoShows will not display if the vehicle is turned off for NoShows.


Did you know, When booking a Recall for a Quorum DMS, the campaign number and explanation need to be entered a specific way in order to push into Quorum correctly.

//campaign number// explanation of the recall booking, this needs to be the first entered as the first line in the Complaint box.