V 8.10.11

August 27/2019

Service CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


1. The Appointment Schedule will now display waiter times slots that are set to zero, as a Block time in the Transportation column making it more clear for the user while booking.

2. If a store has multiple branches, DealerMine will display this window to users after clicking the grey SMS bubble to opt a customer in for texting. Now, they can manually select which branch to opt the customer in to.

3. When searching to link a Web lead to a customer profile the popup screen will now display “Last Lead Creation Date “. This column will serve as a quick reference to the last date a lead was created for the possible match.

4. We have removed the Home/Work/Cell radio buttons from the Customer information screen as users are able to set the preferred method of contact from the "Contact Methods" tab.

5. In the Email tab in DealerMine, all unread emails will automatically go to the top of the inbox. This saves time for the user having to scroll through their inbox to find those unread emails they may have missed.

This step eliminates the user having to tell the customer the call is being recorded on inbound calls only.

6. A new step has been added to the Call Queues, in Telephony configuration, which is an automatic recording telling the customer the call is being recorded for quality and training purposes.

Users can turn this step On or Off by clicking on the green check or red X. When turned off, the calls will come into the queue as usual. When turned on, the call will not come into the queue until this message has fully played for the customer.

This step cannot be deleted, moved or put into the loop process. Users can edit the Play or Say, and also record their message for the queue step as normal.

7. Users are now able to add both a Service and Sales code for a third party lead. Click on "Options" to add a new provider, or edit an existing.

8. The merge field "Promise Time" is now available when creating/editing a Texting or Email template.

Email Template

Texting Template

9. Twilio allows a maximum amount of 1600 characters for each text sent. A warning message will display if a user has at least 1000 characters in the template to warn them that after all of the merge fields are filled in, it could potentially go over 1600 characters and will not be sent. We take into account that 600 characters could be filled in after merged just to be safe.

Warning message for 1000-1600 characters.

Error message when 1601 characters or more.

10. When updating an appt the “Save as Draft” button will no longer display. When a draft is opened it is considered a new appointment and will need to pass all current validations, which is not the same process for updating an existing appt.

11. Users can now manually enter a subject line in the report auto-emails. If nothing is entered in this box, than DealerMine will resort to the default subject line, which states the report name and store/branch it is for.

12. We have increased the "# to Send" in Batch Contacts from 999 to 99999.

13. Auto email for Key Drop Appointments

  • In Store Specifications we've added an option to chose a default email template upon booking a key drop appointment.

  • Create your Key Drop template in Templates & Batch Setup, the category must be "Appt Booked" and use the merge field "<< TransportationCode >> ".

  • Once the template is saved it will display in the "Select Default KeyDrop Template" dropdown.

  • When a Key Drop appointment is booked, the email will go out to the customer, however will only show the date of the appointment in the email and not the time.


  1. Users were not able to change the Status on a voice message, using Telephony. This is now working.

  2. E-service was displaying and allowing customers to book on dates that were marked full. This is resolved.

  3. Texting templates made for Batch only purposes were displaying in the templates drop down when sending texts to customers. This has been fixed.

  4. The “Attachments” History tab was not displaying in the profile screen when the users language was set to French or Spanish. All History tabs are now displaying for all languages.

  5. There was an intermittent issue happening where some customers were not being automatically opted out of texting when responding to a text from the dealership with "Stop". This is now working properly.

  6. The Voice Drop Configuration setup screen would not load, or display the Pins to call and record an audio file. This is fixed.

  7. In the Email tab, when a customer would reply to an email, the customers email would not carry over to the "TO" field. The email carry's over now.

Sales CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


  1. When a user right clicks on a traffic log and clicks "Unlink" it unlinks the lead from the customer's file. We have updated this to say "Unlink Customers File".

2. On the Traffic Log, we have added a new filter called "Show Unique Logs". When this is checked, it will display all unique traffic entry's, and of those, the latest one on the customers file.

3. We have increased the amount of characters in the Scripting text box in the Sales schedules setup screen from 1500 characters to 3000 characters.

4. The push lead button on the Worksheet and Desking screen, says "Push Lead". Depending on which third party software the Dealership is integrated with, DealerMine will display a success message stating where the lead was pushed.

DMS Enhancements & Resolutions


QUORUM - When a user marks a customer file as inactive, DealerMine will dictate whether or not that file is an employee file in the DMS. If the profile is an employee file, it will only be marked inactive in DealerMine.

QUORUM - Quorum requires an address to be entered when creating a new customer. If an address is not entered user will now be presented with an error message, “Error - Please fill out the Address”.

QUORUM - The Province QC (Quebec) does not exist in Quorum, and users were getting errors when entering this in the customer information screen. So now, instead of giving an error message, DealerMine will automatically update the Province field to be PQ, if QC was entered.

QUORUM - In Turn off Management > Turn Off Codes > "Inactive Customer Reasons", we have added a column, "In Sync with DMS”. When the box is checked, that reason code will be pushed to the DMS, if not checked then the change will not be pushed, and only be marked inactive in DealerMine. By default all boxes will be checked.


QUORUM - Quorum users were receiving an error message when trying to update company profiles. This is resolved.

Did you know?

In "User Setup" > "Store Access":

When giving a user access to another store/branch, there are two fields that require information in order for it to save. The two fields are "User Phone Number" & "Dealership Name". These two fields are required as they carry over to the users email signature. DealerMine will display the following errors after clicking save if a user forgot to fill in these fields.

Coming Soon!

The following contact types will soon be available for Batch Voice Drops!

  • Fetch Automation

  • Confirm Appt

  • CSI

  • Maintenance

  • NoShow

  • Spord

Saint John DealerMine BDC


Inside the name tag, we have added a new button with a $ sign on it. This is so users can track how much bonus money they have accumulated.