Version 9.1.8

March 2020

Service CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


1. To bridge the gap between ACs and the Parts department that handles the SPORDs at the dealerships, users with access can now send notifications on Spords. There are times when customers are called on a part but they have already had the work done, this situation would be the time when a Spord notification would be sent. When a “SPORD” indicator is opened from the customer’s Profile a “Send Notification” button will display in the upper right corner of the popup. When clicked it will popup the “Send Notification” popup will open and display the customer name, customer number, Store/Branch name, Spord number, advisor name and part information. At the bottom of the popup uses will select who will get the notification. Once the notification is sent the user selected will get a notification and the information will also display on the Appt Prep tab under SPORDs.

When a notification is sent out it will be recorded on the Contact Hist tab of the customer's file and recycle comments will be display as "Email-Call presented - SPORD Prep Notification"

Once a SPORD notification has been sent they will display on the Appt Prep tab for the user. By selecting "SPORD" from the drop down and the information will display on the grid.

How to get access to receive notifications?

Go to the Admin Screen - User Setup- User Access - Appt Prep - Accept Spord Notifications.

Users must have a valid email address setup to receive notifications.

2. A new graph has been added to the appointment schedule in list view. The graph represents availability by time slots.

    • Green - The time slot is at 75% availability; for example, if there's 4 time slots only one has a booked appointment

    • Yellow - The time slot is at 50% availability; therefore, book with caution

    • Red - The time slots are full. The coordinator is unable to book for this time slot

3. “Surveys” have been added as an option when creating a texting template. In Templates & Batch setup > Texting templates, create a new Texting template once a Contact Type is selected the Survey drop down will display all the surveys for the selected contact type. Once a Survey is sent out in a text, it will display on the Survey tab and on the Contact hist tab. When the customer submits the survey the results will also display on the Survey tab.

4. On a Merged customer profile users will now see an blue orb with an “i” by Spord tab on the Parent file if there is a SPORD attached to the Child file.

Texting Opt-In

5. When sending an option on a customer’s file DealerMine would not permit a second option to be sent. Now when an option is sent a second one can only be sent from the customer’s profile. When the SMS button is clicked a popup will display letting the user know an optin has already been sent and will include the date and time, at this point the user will need to click Yes or No.

6. When importing a file in Fetch and clicking to Preview if the file has a vin/serno that has an incorrect length, DealerMine will now display a message "SerNo Invalid Serno length Text " for each vin/serno that is incorrect in preview mode.

7. A scroll bar has been added to the Status drop down menu for Voice Messages in the Telephony queue, so users are able to see all the options.


  1. There was an issue where the voice drop report was counting ROs and Appointments for all voice drops. We have updated the report to only display if the voice drop was successful.

  2. There was an issue with Logical Branches, when editing an appointment DealerMine would create a duplicate appointment. This has been resolved.

  3. There was an issue with Unknown Vins even though they have an appointment. This has been resolved.

  4. There was an issue where a No show would display even if there is no longer a vehicle attached to the customer file. This has been resolved.

  5. There was an issue with the Recommended Service drop down when booking an appointment and selecting an option other than Accepted it would not save. This has been resolved.

Sales CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


  1. DealerMine now has the option to add Fees to a WorkSheet with no price in Showroom config > Worksheet Items, when a fee without a price is added it will show on the Worksheet and when printing the worksheet. This option will need to be turned on by our Support team before adding the items in Showroom config > Worksheet Items.

  2. On the Delivery log "ALL" has been added to the Store drop down. When ALL is selected the Delivery log will display the deliveries for all Stores on the grid for that day.

3. Rhino Active Licence Scanner

DealerMine is now integrated with Rhino Active Licence Scanner. This app will permit users with the app to take a picture of a customer's licence and then push the info into DealerMine. The user would then in DealerMine search and bring up the customer’s profile, click on the customer’s name to go to the Customer Info Screen and click on Licence button in the upper right corner. The user will then be presented with a Drivers Licence screen, on the left will display a list of all the licences that are not yet linked to a customer’s file. When a licence is selected a picture of the licence will display in the middle of the screen, the right side will display all the info from the licence Customer name, address etc.

the user would then select the correct licence to link and then click on the Select Licence button, or if they want to delete the licence they would simply click the Delete Licence button.

The screen will display

  • A list of all unlinked licences (left side).

  • A picture of the selected licence (middle of screen).

  • A list of all the info on the selected licence, First and Last name, Address, Birth date, Expire date and Licence number.

Once the licence is linked to the customer's file it will display in the customer info section of the profile screen and has a hover over tool tip. The user can click on the icon and open the Driver licence screen, where they are able to add another licence to the file by clicking on Add, which will display all the unlinked licenses for selection. They can also unlink the drivers licence from the customer's file.

License Scan Vid.mp4


  1. There was an issue where there were duplicate Sales Schedules displaying under the Sales Schedule indicator. This has been resolved.

DMS Enhancements & Resolutions


  1. Quorum - There is a new option "Include 'Completed' work orders in Closed ROs". If this option is turned on it will include closed RO’s with Posted and Completed status. If this option is off it will on include closed Ro’s with the Posted status.

By Default DealerMine is only pulling “Posted” work orders (for Service history)

2. Quorum -more details have been added to the WIP indicator popup on a customer's profile. Users will now be able to View:

  • Advisor

  • RO Dates

  • RO No

  • Department

  • Work Date

  • Status

  • Op codes

3. Quorum - users now have the ability to show open RO’s on the Appointment Schedule by going into Store Specification setup screen and checking "Show ROs on schedule" check box


  1. For Quorum stores we were pulling labor charge from the wrong field. This was causing a dollar amount to display on labor costs on opcodes in service history and reporting when there should not have been. This has been resolved

  2. There was an issue on Quorum stores where some RO’s were missing details (cause,complaint correction, opcode descriptions, etc) under the service history tab. This has been resolved.

  3. There was an issue with duplicate RO’s on Quorum stores which caused the upsell analysis report to display inaccurate information. This has been resolved.

  4. There was an issue with DIS users when the Customer name was only in the "Other Name" field and users were not able to click on the name to go to the Customer information screen. This has been resolved and the Other Name field is clickable when on the profile screen and will take the user to the Customer information screen.

This change is for every DMS that is able to edit customer information in DealerMine.