BDC Release Notes

November 2020 V 9.2.7

Service Enhancements


  1. There was an issue where users were able to overbook opcodes. This has been resolved.

  2. There was an issue with the Telephony Uses Status;

    1. Users were logging out of Telephony however their status was still showing they were logged in, or on a call.

    2. Users would log into Telephony however it would show they were offline.

This has been resolved.

DMS Enhancements

PBS - When booking an appointment in DealerMine if an inactive advisor is selected, DealerMine will now display an error message when trying to book an appointment.


  1. Xsellerator - There was an issue where the recommended time would display as 0.3 instead of 0. This has been resolved.

  2. Xsellerator - There was an issue where the recall campaign number was not pushing to Xsellerator. This has been resolved.