Create Worksheet

Create Worksheet

Our Worksheet entry screen is customizable per store/branch. Each dealership can now design a layout that will help streamline the sales process for Salespeople during the discovery process with potential buyers. (See more information on setting up WorkshWorksheet Flow)

Upload your dealership logo and contact information which will display on the top of your Worksheet in Store Setup.

Creating a Worksheet

When "Creat Worksheet" is clicked the user will be presented with a blank worksheet. The worksheet has seven sections, each section can be in any sort order. Every section is collapsible so they can be hidden when working on other sections. Users can also select not to display certian sections of the worksheet, however Traffic information, Vehicle selection and Name information are "Required Questions".

    1. Traffic Information

    2. Vehicle Selection

    3. F&I Products

    4. Accessories

    5. Delivery Date

    6. Trade In

    7. Name Information

See" Worksheet flow" for setup.

Traffic Information

This section will display the leading question from the setup screen, along with the Traffic Type, Department and Status drop downs.

*The red astric indicates a required answer.

Vehicle Selection

Much like building a vehicle on a manufacturer's website, DealerMine allows you to share your screen with your customer and build or search inventory for what type of vehicle the customer is interested in buying, whether it's new or used.

This section is a required section

    • Select New or Used or search by a Stock number

    • Select the Year, Make, Model and Style from the drop downs and click "Build & Price". The "Construct Vehicle" screen.

    • If selecting from Stock with out a stock number, select the "In Stock" link. This will open a slide out which will show all stock or stock

    • There is also a "X Clear Selection", when selected it will clear the Vehicle interest section.

    • At the top right corner is the "Total Price" of the vehicle, this will update after something is added or deducted to the purchase of the vehicle while creating the worksheet.

"Construct Vehicle", here users would select paint color, interior trim, packages, Air tax etc.
"Stock slideout", this slide out will display their entire stock if nothing is entered in the vehicle interest section or a match depending on what has been entered in the vehicle insterest section User would select by clicking on the star and the info will display in the Vehicle Interest section.

F&I Products (Finance & Insurance)

Any F&I products a dealershop would want their Salespeople to sell during the worksheet process would be listed here. Users can enter F&I product on the fly, simply click on the green plus sign and enter in the Name, Description and Price then save. The newly added F&I will now display on the grid for selection.

F&I products can be entered in Showroom config > Worksheet Items.
F&I on the fly.
Accessories on the fly


Both OEM and Dealer accessories will disply here. depending on what is setup. Users can search for an accessory or enter an accessories on the fly, by simply clicking on the green plus sign and enter in the Name, Description and Price and Residual Value then save. The newly added accessory will now display on the grid for selection.

Delivery Date (fees)

This section is where a Sales Person would schedule the delivery of the vehicle, or click the Undecided check box.

Trade In

Name Information