Key Report 3

Based upon: RO Close Date

Updates: Nightly Download


This report is intended to measure who originally sold the maintenance that is retained on closed work orders for the time frame you're reporting on. This report is tied to the original booker of the appointment and uses a colorful bar graph to display how many of each maintenance operation has been booked for each employee at your dealership. (This can include all Appointment Coorindators, Service Advisors, Service Manager, etc.)

Typically the Appointment Coordinators should have the highest bar graphs for each maintenance service since they are booking the vast majority of the appointments and upselling maintenance on every appointment. It's then the Advisors job to retain the work and upsell any other necessary items at the time of walk-around.


  1. Key Report 3 excludes any opcodes closed with $0.00, since it pulls data closed to accounting. Key Report 2 will contain all opcodes booked on the appointment, even if they were zeroed out, or not completed on the RO, they will still be counted as being retained. Key Report 2 and 3 will not match, therefore cannot be compared.

  2. "Other" is where there was no appointment booked and an RO was solely created by the Advisor. As the report measures who originally sold the maintenance that is retained on closed work orders for the time frame you're reporting on.