2009 Great Train Expo

For the second consecutive year in its two years of existence, the San Diego S-Gaugers showed their modular layout at the Great Train Expo at the Del Mar Fairgrounds on the north side of San Diego.

We arrived at 11:30 Friday morning and unloaded modules and equipment at our assigned spot in the middle of the hall.

Peter and Raulf started setting up modules.

It's beginning to look like a layout!

As soon as all the modules were set up and leveled, we started inserting the "bridge rails" between modules. With up to seven lines (14 rails) on a module in the rail yard, it was quite a process!

We added skirting and banners, and were ready to run.

Again this year, we had a great location! As you walk down the big aisle among modules, there we are, straight ahead. To the left of the picture is the big main aisle that comes in from the front entrance. We were located at the central crossroad in the middle of the hall.

The club's logo greets visitors who come down the aisle from the other direction.

Indeed, our layout was a popular spot, surrounded by visitors most of the weekend.

Here's a video tour of the layout:

During the year we had converted the two modules on one side of last year's layout into a five-module railyard.

Last year's cattle pen was converted to a freight station with the addition of a siding that comes in from the new module next to it.