April 18, 2015 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the April club meeting at the home of Mike Forys. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Dale Minard, Alex Sibbald, Les Smith, Raulf Polichar, Wes Noel, and Mark Reinhard.

Introduction of new faces / Show and Tell:

During show and tell the following items were introduced:

Wes Noel displayed the Lehigh Valley Hawk Milling wood structure and coal tower that he constructed.

Bob Graves, who is on vacation, left books for us to read. They are industries along the tracks, locomotive servicing terminals and grain industries.

Mike Forys brought in samples of foam roadbed in S scale and the latest Lands End Catalog.

Raulf Polichar displayed several scale switches obtained on Ebay. They included a #5,#6, and #8 turnout. He also let us check out his J3 Hudson shell that was created for S scale and obtained on Ebay.

Treasurer’s Report:

The monthly statement was handed out in Bob’s absence. More dues have been collected; club is solvent.

Standards Report:

Raulf Polichar is working on a universal wheel gauge for spacing American Flyer, high rail and scale wheel sets.

He also reported that the dimensions of Lionel’s AF wheels are the same as A.C. Gilbert’s AF wheels.

Publicity Report:


Old Business:

Future Clubhouse Status:

Mike Forys reported that his search for a new clubhouse location is ongoing.

SDSG Website:

Bob Graves is currently vacationing in Europe and will be returning soon.

New Clinics:

Ken Sadlock will host an engine repair clinic at our next club meeting.

New Business:

Future events:

The May 16th meeting will be held at the home of Ken Sadlock at 2:00 PM. He has offered to host an engine repair clinic at 10:00 AM preceding the meeting. Details and directions will be sent out in the week of the meeting. The June 20th meeting needs a host.

501(c)3 status:

Mike Forys reported that he has been working on the application for becoming a 501(c)3 organization. He suggested several changes and additions to our by-laws to facilitate our application. The seven members present voted unanimously to adapt the addition of Article X, concerning dissolution and minor changes to Article II purpose, intent and education. Mike will email the modifications to all club members. Mike is also pursuing obtaining help with the application from a USD legal aid group.

Future Projects:

The club discussed the plan to rework both Powell Yard and the Gilbert Siding modules. Mike says that he is 60% complete on the new Powell Yard module (PY3.5). The group discussed the turnout acquisition possibilities. Mike proposed replacing module feet with another type featuring a hex head for ease of adjustment. New feet also feature a wider and taller footprint that will come in handy in venues with uneven surfaces. This project was approved and will proceed.

SDMRM Labor Day Visit:

Our next layout display will take place at the San Diego Model Railroad Museum over the Labor Day Weekend. Setup will take place on Thursday 9/03/15 with layout open to visitors on the following Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Teardown will begin after display hours on Monday.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:20PM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

March 2015 May 2015