October 29, 2011 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the Oct club meeting in our clubhouse in Liberty Station. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Raulf Polichar, Bob Graves, Oakley Warren, Alex Sibbald and Dale Minard.

Introduction of new faces/show and tell

The club welcomed our newest member, Dale Minard who hails from Vista. Welcome aboard Dale! Bob Graves displayed the variations and evolution of American Flyer Frontiersman Passenger Cars marked 20, 30 and 40. Alex Sibbald brought in 2 examples of M2 die cast AutoHaulers currently available.

Treasurer’s Report

The treasurer reports $38 from donations in October. Goal is to have donations offset electric bill.


Raulf is developing standards for construction of switches used in the Powell Yard. He has received tool to pre bend track and reports it removes some of the guesswork during switch construction and reduces construction time.

Old Business

GTE Show

Tear Down/packing is scheduled for Thursday, December 1st and we will transport and setup the layout at GTE on Friday. Setup time has not been announced as of yet.

New Business

Window Layout

The layout has been moved back to allow space for our window display. The window display is in place and ready for application of roadbed and track. We have received the 30-degree crossover and Raulf brought in the American Models Flex Track.


We received a substantial amount of train related magazines from Harlin Hatz’s Estate. For the time being, we will organize and store them in stackable bins.


Liberty Station would like to obtain photos of our layout for their website. Bob will interface with Erin. An art teacher has visited us from High Tech High and they may be interested in painting our walls or backgrounds. Time frame is after GTE.

We have been contacted by a Boy Scout troop that would like to visit. Mike is coordinating this event.

We discussed using the clubhouse for birthday parties, bridal showers and bar mitzvahs. Issues include liability insurance, Liberty Station approval and member participation.

Meeting dates

Meeting dates for the rest of the year are: Saturday 11/19 at 2 PM, and Tuesday 12/13 at 7 PM and will be held at the clubhouse. The first meeting of the New Year will be held on 1/21/11 when we will hold officer elections and collect dues.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

September 2011 November 2011