June 25, 2011 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the June club meeting in our clubhouse in Liberty Station. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Jim Patterson, Raulf Polichar, Bob Graves, Ray Hunter, Al Kiel and Alex Sibbald.

New Business

The club welcomed its newest member, Gary Jarvis, who has been loosely involved with the club for several years.


Mike will draft an addition to the bylaws to include membership in NMRA as a requirement to joining the club in order that we qualify for the NMRA liability insurance.

Liberty Station

Our first open house at our new clubhouse was a success. Around 90 visitors toured the facility and layout. Thanks to Ray Hunter who provided members and guests with refreshments.

Sacramento X2011

Discussion included show plans and transportation.

Layout Items

Progress was made on the layout during daily work sessions this week. Ballast has been added to new throat modules along with some earth tones. Emphasis has been on switch installation and alignment.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

May 2011 July 2011