September 18, 2018 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S-Gaugers held the September club meeting at our clubhouse (304 on the mall map) in Grossmont Center at 10:00am. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Robert Graves, Raulf Polichar, Les Smith, Wes Noel, Don Briggs, Dale Minard, Alex Sibbald and Lee Levinson.

Introduction of new faces / Show and Tell:

Dale Minard displayed his award, winning Winery Diorama which he entered in the NMRA Convention contest. Mike Forys brought in a book about the Civil War Railroads that he acquired. He also displayed an old dinning car place mat from the B & O Alton and an Alton Limited collector’s plate.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves stated that we received $277.04 from visitor donations. The expense report reflected the electric utility liabilities and payments.

Standards Report:

Raulf Polichar installed the 5 new turnout status LEDS that he modified for our application in the yard.

Publicity Report:

Les Smith has been working on producing a brochure that we can put in the public areas where other like items are located such as local motels and museums.

Old Business:

SDSG Website:

Bob Graves reported that he added to the website a video of boy scouts operating the club timesaver module at the NMRA Convention in Mission Valley this last weekend.

New Clinics:

A clinic for constructing turnout indicators has been suggested.

New Gilbert Town Modules:

Rework on the last module is on hold.

Lift Bridge Module Retrofit.

The module has been working with no problems since retrofit rework.

Window Layout Success and Visitor Attendance:

As of 09/15/2018 the window layout button has been pushed 2,489 times since our last meeting, 108,887 times since we installed it at Grossmont Center and 148,699 times since day one.

New Business:

Future events:

The next meetings will be on Tuesdays, October 16th and November 20th and will be held at our clubhouse (suite 304 on the mall map) in Grossmont Center at 10AM.

Work Session:

A work session will be held Thursday September 20th at 11:30am at the Sn3 location.

Window Displays:

Raulf Polichar is working on the new engines for the window display.

Grossmont Activities:

The next Lego event will be on October 13th from noon until 4:00PM. A new Lego window display will be installed.

Holiday Schedule:

The club discussed the feasibility of the clubhouse opening on Sunday during the holiday season. A lack of members appears to be a stumbling block. The club is looking for volunteers. Mike Forys passed around a proposed calendar covering potential work assignments for the holiday season.

PSR Convention:

The convention was held 9/12 to 9/16 2018 at Courtyard by Marriott Mission Valley. Our Time Saver Module was featured at the event and it attracted quite a few participants. A brief description of each seminar attended by club members was presented. The members who attended will be preparing a report and will email it to members when complete.

2019 Calendar:

Mike Forys will present a preliminary 2019 events calendar at next month’s meeting. He is looking for input from the members.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

August 2018 October 2018