October 17, 2017 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S-Gaugers held the October club meeting at our clubhouse (304 on the mall map) in Grossmont Center at 10:00am. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Robert Graves, Raulf Polichar, Wes Noel, Ken Sadlock, Dale Minard, Don Briggs and Alex Sibbald.

Introduction of new faces / Show and Tell:

Wes Noel brought in a Banta Models Silver Plume Bakery Model that he assembled. He also displayed a sand tower he scratch built. Robert Graves informed the group of an online model train auction happening on Nov 3rd.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves reported that we received $ 195.68 from visitor donations in Sept.

Standards Report:

Raulf Polichar reported that he is working on the 2nd window display control panel.

Publicity Report:


Old Business:

SDSG Website:

Dale Minard informed Bob Graves that he had photos of our Lego themed event.

PY3.5 (station expansion):

The module has the tracks glued down and is ready for ballast and scenery.

New Gilbert Town Modules:

Two of the three new Gilbert Town modules have been installed on the main layout and scenery has been finished. The 3rd and 5th modules are ready for installation, but still need some ballast. The 4th Module retrofitting has been started.

S Curve Module:

The S Curve Module track laying is in process. The power panel and switch panel are 90% complete.

Window Layout Success and Visitor Attendance:

As of 10/14/2017 the window layout button has been pushed 1,960 times since our last meeting, 71,037 times since we installed it at Grossmont Center and 106,010 times since day one. We hit 100,000 activations on Aug. 5th, 2017 as predicted.

New Business:

Future events:

The next meetings will be held on Tuesday November 21, 2017 and Tuesday December 19, 2017. All meetings will be held at our Suite (304 on the mall map) in Grossmont Center at 10AM.

Window Displays:

Currently the window display operation is unreliable due to locomotive malfunctions. Alex Sibbald suggested that the club purchase two new locomotives to replace the current locomotives owned by club members. The club decided to purchase (2) undecorated American Models Baldwin S-12 Diesel Switchers. The plan is to decal them as Grossmont Central Railroad. A motion was entered and accepted by the group to go ahead with the purchase.

Lego Build Event:

The Lego build event was well attended and enjoyed by many. The Lego window display has been changed to the Ninjago theme. Dates for next events are in discussion with mall management.

Halloween Display:

The 1950’s American Flyer display was replaced with our Halloween Display.

Clubhouse Construction:

Mike Forys submitted a list of tasks for the layout expansion and a suggested schedule for completing them. Backroom preparation was completed and full expansion installation is slated for sometime in November after the S curve module mainline track is operational.

Grossmont Central:

Dale Minard and Wes Noel are working on a large sign over the door that will identify the layout as Grossmont Central Railroad. They are also working on a hanging sign for the entrance that will attract people who are walking down the mall aisle.

NMRA 2018 Regional Convention:

Mike Forys has been in touch with the NMRA and offered to participate by sending the timesaver module and the Streeterville Window Display to the September convention while the clubhouse would be included on the layout tour.

Holiday Clubhouse Expanded Schedule:

The proposed Sundays during the Holiday Season are Nov.19, 26th, and Dec.3rd, 10th, and 17th and this was confirmed with Mall Management. Mike Forys has posted a Holiday work schedule on the bulletin board for club members to sign up for days they can participate.

New Clinics:

Wes Noel has volunteered to conduct a short clinic (pun intended) discribing standard electric wiring practices. It is scheduled for the beginning of our November meeting.

Club Anniversary:

The 10th anniversary of our club is coming up on 01/19/2018. An Open house celebrating the anniversary will be held on January 13, 2018. The club will also host the NMRA layout tour the same day.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:13 AM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

September 2017 November 2017