August 20, 2016 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the August club meeting at our clubhouse (304 on the mall map) in Grossmont Center at 10:00am. Attendees were: Alex Sibbald, Bob Graves, Al Keil Ken Sadlock, Don Briggs, Wes Noel, Les Smith and Mike Forys.

Show and Tell:

Al Keil introduced Gary Butzke to the group. Gary is a member of the AGTTA club. He has a collection consisting mainly of S Gauge items. Ken Sadlock displayed the link coupler/knuckle coupler adapters that he purchased. Mike Forys showed us several items created on a 3D printer by Catzpaw. Al Keil displayed a poster that he donated to the club depicting the inside of Cincinnati’s Union Terminal in 1944. Les Smith displayed an HO station kit.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves reported that we received $224.22 from visitor donations in July.

Standards Report:

Raulf Polichar is working on a modified control box for Liberty Loop. The next revision will start and stop the train at the train station.

Publicity Report:


Old Business:

SDSG Website:

Bob Graves is working to add new pictures, page counters and module photos.

PY3.5 (station expansion):

The module is ready for gluing down the track and the station platforms are in the works. (On hold)

T1 replacement frame:

The replacement frame is ready for track. (On hold)

New Gilbert Town Modules:

Two of the new Gilbert Town modules have track installed and are ready for ballasting. The first accessory has been installed on GT1.

New Business:

Miniature Museum:

Les Smith suggested that the club check out the Miniature Museum.


A clinic, held by Wes Noel before the June meeting demonstrating the application of Bullfrog Snot on locomotive drive wheels, was recorded by Bob Graves and uploaded to our web site.

Window Layout Success:

As of 08/13/2016 the window layout button has been pushed 3,081 times since our last meeting, 31,911 times since we installed it at Grossmont Center and 66,839 times since day one.

Future events:

The next meetings will be held on Tuesday September 13th and Tuesday October 18th. All meetings will be held at our Suite (304 on the mall map) in Grossmont Center at 10AM.

Tenant Meeting:

Grossmont Center will be holding two Halloween events this year. On Saturday, October 22 the center will host a costume party. On October 31 the center will be passing out candy. The members present voted to be open on the 31st, which is a Monday.

Grossmont Center Issues:

Wes Noel attended an active shooter training seminar presented by the center and gave a video presentation to the members. He discussed the three strategies for persons caught in such a scenario and when to use each option. They are, run hide or fight and most importantly, don’t panic.

La Mesa Courier:

The article depicting the club and its activities did not appear in the July 22 edition of the La Mesa Courier as expected.

Additional Window layout:

A discussion of a possible new layout for the section of the front window that is unused (4’ by 6.5’) resulted in several ideas. Mike Forys displayed a potential layout. Alex Sibbald suggested that the layout could be constructed with AF track with rubber roadbed and use LEGO structures for décor. Potentially we could hold LEGO structure construction contests for the public with the winners being rewarded by displaying their structures on the layout. AF flatcars could be fitted with LEGO bases for adapting LEGO loads.

New Member advertising:

In order to attract new members, a suggestion was made to put up a poster on the front door of the clubhouse letting the public know that they can join the club. In Dale’s Absence, Mike and Ken will design a poster. Bob Graves has added an announcement to the club’s web site home page.

Other Items:

Mike Forys will be absent on 9/17, 9/20 and 10/15.

The General, a silent film, will be shown at Balboa Park Organ Pavilion on Monday 8/22/16 at 7:30PM.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:39 AM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

July 2016 September 2016