February 23, 2009 - Meeting Summary

Alex Sibbald hosted SDSG’s February meeting. Attendees were: Alex Sibbald, Al Keil, Bob Graves, Peter Gagnon, Mike Forys, and Roland Martinez. This was our first weeknight meeting. Plans are to alternate between Saturday afternoon meetings and weeknight meetings on a monthly basis in an attempt to accommodate the schedules of more members. The meeting ran a bit long but was quite productive. We still managed to find time to see the new structures Alex has added to his layout. Major results from the meeting are summarized below.

Modular Layout Accounting

Mike presented revised costing spreadsheets that are converging on a final set of costs by module type. One of the spread sheets tracks actual-out-of pocket costs, less donations of materials, of the eight modules constructed to date and two partially completed straight modules built at the same time. A second lists all the out of pocket expenses. The third sheet projects the costs to build similar corner and straight modules for planning purposes. This tally includes a pro rata share of value of the donated materials in order to get a full cost-to-complete estimate.

A decision was made to allocate club funds accumulated to date to pay down the costs of the original layout modules. This will be applies as an equal percentage reduction in the costs of each type of module. These funds came from sales of donated materials, cash contributions towards module construction, and from the stipend paid for SDSG’s participation in December’s GTE show.

Developing Layout Display Opportunities

Reporting on last month’s action item, Bob Graves said that the cost to rent the hall at his church is roughly $250.00 per day, assuming no use of the kitchen or other extra cost items. He was still awaiting a call back from the Torrey Pines church on the facility used by AGTTA. Additionally, Al took an action to request cost information from AGTTA.

A general discussion of other possible display locations resulted, and a number of specific follow up actions were developed. These include approaching the following to see if they would be interested in hosting the SDSG layout.

- San Diego Model Railroad Museum (actionee: Peter),

- Independent living retirement facilities (actionees: Peter & Mike)

- Rent a table at AGTTA Father’s Day swap meet and display a module.

Layout Expansion Planning

Bob presented a set of top-level layout designs that could be used to guide the club’s expansion planning. Shapes presented included an oval with a 45-degree corner, an L, a “block 8 oval,” and dogbone loops in L, U, and S configurations. Bob also provided a proposal for standard accessory power to be distributed across the layout. It was agreed that the club will continue to refine these idea and that we should plan to plan to build additional corners in 2010 to support one or more of these ideas. Peter will double-check some of the filler module dimensions using 3rdPlanIt CAD software.

For 2009, it was determined that we’ll build an additional six 4-foot straight modules to extend our existing oval. Bob plans to build two new 30-inch wide by 4-foot long straight modules for the Gilbert Siding area of the layout. Alex is planning a 4-foot straight that features trestlework over a wide body of water. Initially, this will go in the Gilbert Siding area to keep the sides the same length. Longer range, Alex would prefer it be on one of the ends. Three 4-foot straight modules, all 30-inches wide, will expand the yard area. Peter, Roland, and Mike will collaborate on design and construction of these three modules, which will provide the following key features: a passenger depot, an engine service area, yard offices and freight depot, and a yard ladder.

Meeting and Work Session Planning

Agreement was reached on a schedule of module work sessions and club meeting for the next two months. There will be two work sessions each month, one focused on new module construction and one on finishing up the details on the existing modules. The schedule is as follows:

- Friday, 6 March – New construction work session, 10:00am. Mike Forys, host.

- Saturday, 28 March – Existing modules work session, 10:00am, followed by meeting at 2:30pm. Peter Gagnon, host.

- Saturday, 11 April – New construction work session, 10:00am. Roland Martinez, host.

- Wednesday, 22 April – Meeting, 7:00pm. Mike Forys, host.

Next Meeting. Saturday 28 March, at 2:30 pm. Hosted by Peter Gagnon. This meeting will be preceded by an existing module work session starting at 10:00am.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

January 2009 March 2009