August 27, 2011 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the August club meeting in our clubhouse in Liberty Station. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Raulf Polichar, Bob Graves, Ray Hunter, and Alex Sibbald.

Treasurer’s Report

The treasurer reports visitor contributions of $34.00.

Standards Report

Raulf proposed that we create remote control of yard functions and that we add an additional module in the Powell Yard, either between PY4 and PY3 or between PY3 and PY2. The later to allow longer trains to rest on the sidings.

Old Business

Clubhouse Sign

The sandwich board announcement proposed for open house events on a Liberty Station approved sandwich board would cost about $190 plus graphics costs.

Rancho Bernardo Show

General assessment was that the Saturday show was poorly attended and Sunday was much better.

The clubhouse will be open to the public on Wednesday and Sunday afternoons.

Future meetings

November 19th was selected for the November meeting. Also, mentioned was that if someone wanted to host a meeting at their home instead of the clubhouse, they just need to let us know, so we can change the calendar at least one month in advance.

New Business

Guest Book

We now have a guest book for visitors to sign at the clubhouse.

Yard expansion

Options were explored as to where to inject a new module into the Powell Yard.

San Diego Model Railroad Museum

We will not take the farm module and PY3 to the museum due to room size restrictions.

Mike and Alex will fill in wherever necessary at the museum.

Teardown at the clubhouse will be at 10AM on Thursday, Sept 1.

Teardown at the museum will be at 4PM on Monday, Sept 5.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

July 2011 September 2011