August 21, 2018 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S-Gaugers held the August club meeting at our clubhouse (304 on the mall map) in Grossmont Center at 10:00am. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Robert Graves, Raulf Polichar, Ken Sadlock, Les Smith, Don Briggs, Dale Minard, Alex Sibbald and Lee Levinson.

Introduction of new faces / Show and Tell:

Dale Minard displayed the Des Plains Moxie tank cars that he bought. Mike Forys brought in the Skunk Train Brochure depicting the train trip that Mike just returned from. Raulf Polichar passed around the brass 2-8-2 Mikado that he bought and has been working on. Ken Sadlock showed us an old Popular Mechanics Magazine and a Railroad Magazine dated Jan 1940.

The club met Lee Levinson, our newest member. Lee visits here when Florida gets humid and sticky and decided to join our club. When he was young he started with a dual loop American Flyer setup that he would put together temporarily on a L shaped plywood base. Lee donated his boyhood Flyer trains to the club.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves stated that we received $232.46 from visitor donations and reported that the club received another train collection as donation. The expense report was updated to include electric

utility liabilities.

Standards Report:

Raulf Polichar brought in 5 new switch status LEDS that he modified for our application in the yard.

Publicity Report:


Old Business:

SDSG Website:


New Clinics:


New Gilbert Town Modules:

Rework on the last module is on hold.

Lift Bridge Module Retrofit.

The module has been working with no problems since retrofit rework.

Window Layout Success and Visitor Attendance:

As of 08/18/2018 the window layout button has been pushed 3,469 times since our last meeting, 106,338 times since we installed it at Grossmont Center and 142,210 times since day one.

New Business:

Future events:

The next meetings will be on Tuesdays, September 18 and October 16th and will be held at our clubhouse (suite 304 on the mall map) in Grossmont Center at 10AM.

Work Session:

A work session will be held Thursday August 23rd at 10:00am at the Grossmont center clubhouse.

Window Displays:

Raulf Polichar is working on the new RS-3 for the window display. He is repainting and renaming with Grossmont Central RR colors.

Grossmont Activities:

The Hallmark Store is having a large sale at Grossmont Center this Saturday, August 25th. Could increase attendance at the club’s display.

SN3 Donation:

The club will be the recipient of a 17', SN3 layout from the widow of the builder. Current plan is to pickup the layout and transport it to the clubhouse after the PSR Convention.

PSR Convention:

The convention will be held 9/12 to 9/16 2018 at Courtyard by Marriott Mission Valley. Our Time Saver Module will be featured at the event. Mike will email a sign up time schedule to the members.


Raulf has installed the industrial grade direction control switches on the Tinesaver Modules.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:40 AM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

July 2018 September 2018