June 23, 2020 - Meeting Summary
The San Diego S-Gaugers held the June club meeting on Zoom, a computer at home video session at 10:00AM. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Ken Sadlock, Alex Sibbald, Raulf Polichar, Robert Graves, Wes Noel, John Racey and was hosted by Les Smith.
Introduction of new faces / Show and Tell:
John Racey showed us photos of a curved switch that he is constructing for his 40' X 13' layout in Michigan. Raulf Polichar presented a brass New York Central Overland locomotive that he is working on. Wes Noel gave us an update on his home layout having replaced the Gargrave track with American Model track. Ken Sadlock showed us a 65-year-old, metal Western Pacific Locomotive that he has had since childhood.
Treasurer’s Report:
Robert Graves stated that there were no visitor donations due to closure of the display. He stated that our electric bill was low again due to the clubhouse closure.
Standards Report:
Raulf Polichar reported that he has completed painting the Grossmont Central locomotive but the cars are waiting paint.
Publicity Report:
Old Business:
Website Update:
New Clinics:
SN3 Addition Status:
Ken Sadlock stated that he completed the painting of clouds on the SN3 backdrop.
Window Layout Success and Visitor Attendance:
As of 06/13/2020 the Window Layout Button 1 has been pushed 564 times and Window Layout Button 2 has been pushed 475 times for a total of 1,039 times since our last meeting, 163,325 times since we first installed one at Grossmont Center and 203,653 times since day one.
New Business:
Future events:
The next meetings will be on Tuesdays, July 21 and August 18 and will be held on Zoom unless shopping center status changes.
The clubhouse is available to members for work or to run trains. Notify Mike Forys and he will reserve the timeslot for you and he will notify other members via email.
The club is looking for a volunteer to represent our club at four of the NMRA meetings (non layout tours) this year. 2nd Saturday of February, May, August and November.
Work Days:
The club will have a work day to clean and prepare clubhouse before reopening.
Opening Clubhouse:
Mike Forys distributed proposed startup and operational changes for Clubhouse Operation after the Covad 19 restrictions allow reopening. Some examples are face masks, personal distancing, and cleaning procedures. Proposed wash stations will be replaced with hand sanitizer stations at both doors. Proposed plexiglass barriers will be deleted in favor of face shields and masks. The clubhouse, when reopened, will be open to visitors on Saturdays only to reduce need for sanitizing and to ease staffing shortages. Signage on the door will include rules such as mandatory face masks, no entry if one has flu symptoms and best practices such as social distancing, face masks, and hand washing will be enforced. The doors will be kept unlocked but closed during visiting hours.
Lego Build Event:
The June 27 Lego day has been cancelled. Lego window display not running.
Club Exhibit Insurance:
Mike Forys stated that our new blanket inventory insurance policy for the layouts is in effect as our yearly check for $262.00 has been cashed. He stated that tables, chairs and other non-train related clubhouse items are not covered by the policy nor is damage from civil unrest.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:46 AM.
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