May 30, 2009 - Meeting Summary

Peter Gagnon hosted SDSG’s May meeting. Attendees were: Alex Sibbald, Bob Graves, Peter Gagnon, and Mike Forys. The following subjects were covered.

Show & Tell

Mike brought some photos of English steam engines that he passed around for all to admire.

Club Administration

Bob updated us on the status of our DBA filing and opening of a bank account for SDSG. The DBA notice is being published in local newspapers. Once that is completed, the paperwork will be filed with the County of San Diego. Together with By-Laws and a slate of officers, that will make us good to go on a bank account. Bob also mentioned that we could get a $100.00 opening bonus from the bank if we open the account with at least $500.00.

The new SDSG web site is coming along nicely, thanks to Bob Graves. Suggestions for additional items to be included on the site were passed along to Bob.

The draft By-Laws were reviewed and the membership agreed to several changes. Peter will revise the By-Laws per the suggestions and have a corrected draft ready for review at the June meeting.

Mike will look into the possibility of outside funding for SDSG. He has a friend in the grant writing business who may be able to give us some pointers.

Mike also agreed to draft a membership application form for the club.

Club Event Scheduling

The club has reserved a table at the AGTTA Father’s Day event, Saturday, June 20th in Torrey Pines. The cost is $10.00. Plans are to bring one of the club’s straight modules and club information flyers to the event to hand out to prospective new members.

An SDSG Open House, in which prospective members could come run their S standard gauge trains on the club’s modular layout, is being planned for the July/August time frame. It was also suggested that the event include a potluck dinner and an evening club meeting. Tentatively, this would be at Roland’s house, assuming he’s willing and able to host us.

SDSG plans to attend the GTE show at Del Mar this December 12th & 13th. We’ll attempt to coordinate with our northern neighbors in SCSG on a possible joint appearance at this event. Also discussed was possible attendance at the July train show in Ontario.

Other Items

Jim Stockfisch provided a list of back issues of S Scale and S Gauge magazines he is planning to dispose of. While everyone suggested it would be a good thing to try to preserve these publications with a view towards starting a club library, no one had the extra shelf space needed to give them a home.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

April 2009 June 2009