November 21, 2017 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S-Gaugers held the November club meeting at our clubhouse (304 on the mall map) in Grossmont Center at 10:00am. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Robert Graves, Raulf Polichar, Wes Noel, Ken Sadlock, Dale Minard, Les Smith, Al Keil and Alex Sibbald.

Introduction of new faces / Show and Tell:

Dale Minard displayed recently aquired set of three Burlington refrigerator train cars. Wes Noel conducted a clinic on AC/DC properties and applications. Sadly we were informed that Steven Brown has resigned from the club for personal reasons. We hope that he will return someday as he is a quick learner and was an asset to the club.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves reported that we received $197.89 from visitor donations and realized a $175.79 profit in October.

Standards Report:

Raulf Polichar reported that the 2nd window display control panel is installed and operational. The stop at station function is still in the works. Raulf displayed the two recently purchased club locomotives and explained his plans for their appearance and function.

Publicity Report:

Les Smith presented a draft of timeline depicting significant club activity events since inception. He also reported that a new magazine named Mom to Mom will be writing an article about the club. Les reported the cost of printing our Junior Engineer Badges in color and black and white and soliced input as to the color selection. We will continue to print in color and may design in more color as increased amount of color does not add cost.

Old Business:

SDSG Website:


PY3.5 (station expansion):

The module has the tracks glued down and is ready for ballast and scenery.

New Gilbert Town Modules:

Four new modules have been installed and the fifth module is being worked on. Scenery and accessories are being added.

S Curve Module:

The S Curve Module has been installed and is operational. Turnouts are being mechanically locked in mainline position until they become operational. The module still needs ballast and scenery. Wes Noel has added an industrial diarama and Dale Minard is adding a freight station diarama.

Wndow Layout Success and Visitor Attendance:

As of 11/18/2017 the window layout button has been pushed 2,718 times since our last meeting, 73,755 times since we installed it at Grossmont Center and 108,728 times since day one.

New Business:

Future events:

The next meetings will be on Tuesday December 19, 2017 and January 16, 2017 and will be held at our clubhouse (suite 304 on the mall map) in Grossmont Center at 10AM.

Window Displays:

Raulf Polichar is modifying the two, new Baldwin S-12s by adding a bridge rectifier to force forward operation at startup. He is painting the locomotives blue with white trim. They will be decaled as Grossmont Central Railroad.

Lego Build Event:

The next scheduled Lego build event will take place on 12/09/17 in front of the clubhouse.

Halloween Display:

The Halloween Display is being replaced with our Christmas Display.

Clubhouse Construction:

Layout expansion began on Wednesday, November 15 and the layout was operational on Saturday, November 18 in time for visitors. The bridge entry module track alignment became our number one problem. The solution was to replace the worn wood alignment pin with a brass pin.

Grossmont Central:

Dale Minard and Wes Noel are working on a large sign over the door that will identify the layout as Grossmont Central Railroad. They are also working on a hanging sign for the entrance that will attract people who are walking down the mall aisle. Awaiting mall management approval.

Proposed 2018 Calendar:

Mike Forys distributed to the members a proposed calander for 2018 that shows the scheduled club activities for the upcoming year. Members can recommend additions, correct any errors and the club will then vote to accept it.

Holiday Clubhouse Expanded Schedule:

The proposed Sundays during the Holiday Season are Nov.19, 26th, and Dec.3rd, 10th, and 17th and this was confirmed with Mall Management. Mike Forys has posted a Holiday work schedule on the bulletin board for club members to sign up for days they can participate.

Black Friday:

We will be closed on Black Friday.

Club Anniversary:

The 10th anniversary of our club is coming up on 01/19/2018. An Open house celebrating the anniversary will be held on January 13, 2018. The club will also host the NMRA layout tour the same day.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:50 AM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

October 2017 December 2017