February 26, 2011 - Meeting Summary

The meeting was held at Bob Graves house. Attendees: Bob Graves, Mike Forys, Al Kiel, Raulf Policher, and Alex Sibbald.

    1. Show and tell

A. Mike brought his 322AC steamer w/red passenger cars in excellent condition.

B. Raulf set up his #6 switch and demonstrated its performance with several diverse traincars and the operation was smooth with both scale and highrail wheels.

C. Alex brought his Scenic Express Catalog.

    1. Mike will place the order for 8 switches from Tom’s turnouts. We will utilize at least two of Raulf’s #6 switches depending on how many he is willing to provide and Mike will purchase the Tom’s switches that Raulf’s switches replace for his layout.. Alex will communicate to Tom that we would like to receive the #5 switches first if possible.

    2. Treasurer’s report was given by Bob Graves.

    3. Current status of module construction is that PY1, PY 2 and PY5 are constructed, some roadbed has been installed and all are awaiting leg attachment. We will be using Raulf’s 2nd module for PY1.

    4. Liberty Station status is that we are awaiting input from Liberty Station as to the acceptance of the NMRA liability insurance. If accepted, all members of SDSG would have to join NMRA in order to be eligible to buy the insurance.

    5. We are planning to take our layout to Sacramento as Jim Paterson has offered to transport the layout utilizing his truck to pull a trailer. Mike will submit layout size to the National Train Show (NTS).

    6. The club voted to attend the Poway Station sponsored show in Rancho Bernardo from July 22 thru the 24th. Mike will inform Gary Robinson of our participation. Mike will contact SDMRRM for possible setup on Labor Day weekend.

    7. The members discussed the prospect of a 5 year plan. General consensus was positive and we should all think about where we want to be in 5 years for future discussion.

    8. Construction meetings are scheduled at Roland’s on the 12th and 26th of March pending contacting Roland. Next meeting will be on the 26th following the construction meeting with location TBA. Raulf will inform us of when he will be ready to have a switch construction meeting.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

January 2011 March 2011