May 16, 2015 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the May club meeting at the home of Ken Sadlock. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Dale Minard, Alex Sibbald, Les Smith, Raulf Polichar, Al Kiel, and Bob Graves.

Introduction of new faces / Show and Tell:

During show and tell the following items were introduced:

Al Kiel displayed his American Model Southern Crescent Set.

Bob Graves offered free to the members, items donated to the club.

Mike Forys brought in the new module feet with adjustment capability. We will be changing out the existing module feet in the future.

Dale Minard displayed chain link fencing obtained on Ebay. He also had an American Models Air Force Tanker for us to check out.

Les Smith displayed a Yankee Flyer wind up train.

We had a visit from Bill Pickelsimer who had visited us previously at Liberty Station. He donated to the club sufficient Classic Toy Train Track for a small oval layout and an A.F.18B dual transformer. We appreciate the donation and thanked Bill for his generosity.

Treasurer’s Report:

No Activity this month.

Standards Report:

Raulf Polichar and Dale Minard have been communicating with Cliff at Trout Creek on a plan to create new turnouts

Publicity Report:


Old Business:

Future Clubhouse Status:

Mike Forys reported that his search for a new clubhouse location is ongoing.

SDSG Website:

Bob Graves updated the revised By-Laws and reported progress publishing the club minutes on the website.

New Clinics:

Ken Sadlock’s engine repair clinic at our last meeting was a success with several classic Flyer engines returning to service. The members present agreed that we should have a repair clinic at an upcoming club meeting.

New Business:

Future events:

The June 20 meeting was moved to June 27 because many members had conflicts on the 20th. The meeting will be held at the home of Mike Forys at 2:00 PM. Details and directions will be sent out in the week of the meeting. The July 18th meeting will be held at the home of Bob Graves.

501(c)3 status:

Mike is pursuing obtaining help with the application from a USD legal aid group. He has several questions concerning our club classification.

Future Projects:

The club discussed the plan to rework both Powell Yard and the Gilbert Siding modules. Mike Forys says that the new Powell Yard module (PY3.5) has been completed up to laying the track. Mike has also reworked the Powel Yard Power Panel to add 3 switches for expansion.

SDMRM Labor Day Visit:

Our next layout display will take place at the San Diego Model Railroad Museum over the Labor Day Weekend. Setup will take place on Thursday 9/03/15 with layout open to visitors on the following Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Teardown will begin after display hours on Monday.

Model Citizens:

Alex Sibbald suggested that we support Sara Kelly’s efforts with her Model Citizen

Documentary and donate $75 to her crowd funding campaign. This will be rewarded with a DVD documenting her club visits and layout footage. There was a motion to proceed and a unanimous yes vote followed.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:35PM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

April 2015 June 2015