February 22, 2014 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the February club meeting in our clubhouse in Liberty Station. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Bob Graves, Ken Sadlock, Dale Minard, Alex Sibbald, Al Kiel, Oakley Warren, Don Briggs, Les Smith, Raulf Polichar and Jim Patterson.

Show and Tell:

Mike Forys brought in his MTH Christmas Car and an interesting book on steam locomotives. Ken Sadlock shared a prewar caboose.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves reported that we took in $143.45 in clubhouse donations and $5.00 in show donations during January. Donations have exceeded expenses again this month and we continue to be solvent.

Standards Report:

No Report this month.

Publicity Report:

No report this month.

Old Business:

Lift bridge module:

The track gap is still a work in progress after reinforcement of the two towers. Fortunately it has not contributed to derailments and more study of the problem is planned.


This module still needs switch control motor and clouds. (on-hold)

Window Layout:

Our activity counter has recorded a total of 1,359 hits in the last month. Now into the 21th month of counter operation, the counter has recorded 22,194 pushes on the Liberty Loop button. The terrain has been colored and the lakes are in the process of being colored also.

Roundhouse Addition:

This addition has seen progress as several of the switches have been installed and much of the track work has been completed and ballasted. The position of one switch near the leg has required that we route the control rod through the leg mount. Mike Forys and Raulf Polichar have completed this assembly. The next step is to install switch motors and toggle switches.

Twin Lakes Module:

The club got its first look at the beaver pond complete with busy beavers and marauding bears on our corner module. Dale Minard has been instrumental in moving the project along.

New Business:


Bob collected dues from those who didn’t pay ahead.

Clubhouse Additions:

The L-Gauge Museum has provided us with a Spring, time and Valentine’s Day Themed Insert for the Liberty Loop Layout.

Meeting with McMillin:

Several persons recently have been measuring our location for potential leasing. Mike Forys and Raulf Polichar arranged a meeting with McMillin to discuss our status. The meeting at the clubhouse was very cordial and productive. They are quite pleased with our operation and told us that there are currently no deals in the works. Accordingly, we are ok for at least another 6 months in our current location and if they do rent our space, there are other spaces available. Mike and Raulf checked out some of the other suites that may be suitable.

Future events:

The next monthly meeting of 2014 will be held on Saturday, Mar 22, 2014, at 2:00pm. Our next Open House will be held on Saturday, March 1st from 11AM to 4PM. A signup sheet was completed to assure adequate coverage for the event.

Labor Day Weekend:

Due to a conflict in our scheduling, the club voted not to take the layout to the San Diego Model Railroad Museum this Labor Day Weekend. We have committed to be on the layout tour for the NMRA Convention the week before the Labor Day Weekend. Mike Forys will discuss possible alternative dates with the museum.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:25PM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

January 2014 March 2014