December 19, 2017 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S-Gaugers held the December club meeting at our clubhouse (304 on the mall map) in Grossmont Center at 10:00am. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Robert Graves, Raulf Polichar, Wes Noel, Ken Sadlock, John Racey, Les Smith, Al Keil, Don Briggs, and Alex Sibbald.

Introduction of new faces / Show and Tell:

Wes Noel displayed his latest model, a Texaco Gas Station from Greenlight. Mike Forys showed us the train buttons that he collected from the Dunsmuir Train Museum and the display he built for them.

John Racey brought in his S-Helper Lehigh Valley Diesel Switcher and Ken Sadlock joined show and tell with a window squeegee for cleaning our windows.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves reported that we received $180.01 from visitor donations and realized a $239.98 profit in November. Bob spent a lot of time updating the list of club assets and asked that the members review his work and identify any personal items on the list.

Standards Report:

Raulf Polichar displayed one recently purchased club locomotive that he painted blue. He also brought in a sheet of decals that he acquired for the transformation to Grossmont Central Railroad.

Publicity Report:

Les Smith reported that a new magazine named Mom to Mom has interviewed several members and took pictures that will be included in an article about the club that should come out in January. Les also put forth a suggestion that we provide a space with train related background for visitors to take pictures of their kids, family, etc.

Old Business:

SDSG Website:


PY3.5 (station expansion):

The module has the tracks glued down and is ready for ballast and scenery. Platform lighting is complete.

New Gilbert Town Modules:

Four new modules have been installed and the fifth module is being worked on. Scenery and accessories are being added.

S Curve Module:

The S Curve Module has been installed and is operational. Turnouts are being mechanically locked in mainline position until they become operational. The module still needs ballast and scenery. Wes Noel has added an industrial diarama and Dale Minard added a freight station diarama.

Window Layout Success and Visitor Attendance:

As of 12/16/2017 the window layout button has been pushed 3,784 times since our last meeting, 77,539 times since we installed it at Grossmont Center and 112,512 times since day one.

New Business:

Future events:

The next meetings will be on Tuesdays, January 16, 2018 and February 20, 2018 and will be held at our clubhouse (suite 304 on the mall map) in Grossmont Center at 10AM. Club officers will be elected at the January meeting.

Window Displays:

Raulf Polichar modified the two, new Baldwin S-12s by adding a bridge rectifier to force forward operation at startup. One of them is currently operating on our Liberty Loop Window Display.

Lego Build Event:

The Lego build event that took place on 12/09/17 in front of the clubhouse was well attended especially in the early afternoon.

Halloween Display:

The Halloween Window Display his been replaced with our Christmas Window Display.

Clubhouse Construction:

The bridge entry module track alignment became our number one problem. The solution was to replace the worn wood alignment pin with a brass pin. This however has caused a slight, height misalignment, which still needs to be resolved.

Grossmont Central RR:

The shopping center has designed a banner sign depicting Grossmont Central Railroad and it will be installed over our entry doors. Dale Minard is working on a hanging blade sign for the entrance that will attract people who are walking down the mall aisle. Both signs have been approved by mall management.

Proposed 2018 Calendar:

Mike Forys distributed to the members an updated, proposed calendar for 2018 that shows the scheduled club activities for the upcoming year. Members can recommend additions, correct any errors and the club will then vote to accept it.

Grossmont Grapery building:

Dale Minard is creating a building to house the wine operation. It will be located on the entry module.


Mike Forys reported that the NMRA membership information has been submitted for insurance purposes,

Club Anniversary:

The 10th anniversary of our club is coming up on 01/19/2018. An Open house celebrating the anniversary will be held on January 13, 2018. The club will also host the NMRA layout tour the same day. The clubhouse will open at 11:00AM to noon for NMRA visitors only.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:02 PM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

November 2017 January 2018