May 18, 2013 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the May club meeting in our clubhouse in Liberty Station. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Bob Graves, Dale Minard, Alex Sibbald, Les Smith, Al Keil and Don Briggs.

Introduction of new faces:

The club welcomed our newest member, Don Briggs who joined us at our engine repair clinic preceding the monthly meeting. Don lives in Hemet and his interest is with Flyer Trains.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves reported that we took in $87.00 in clubhouse donations in April.

Standard’s report:

The Module Alignment Jig is in the clubhouse. Raulf Polichar is working on a fixture for utilizing the jig.

Old Business:


Dale’s icing station lights need to be wired. There is interference with the icing parking lot and the Big Boy Locomotive. The module still needs a switch control motor.


This module still needs switch control motor and clouds.

Lift bridge module:

The Entry/ Exit module is operational however it needs to be lowered gently, no need to push it down. We need a sign to emphasize this on the inside. Vineyard construction is in process.

Window Layout:

Our activity counter has recorded a total of 1095 hits in the last month.

Upgrade SDSG Website:

Items that need addressing are reducing the side menu, adding Lands End ordering sheet & Membership application and updating module developments. Bob is working on a plan to allow others to help with this effort.

NASG Dispatch:

Several club articles have been written for the Dispatch and we need to select pictures to accompany them.

Scenery Update:

Progress has been made on the beaver pond featured on Twin Lakes Corner module. It is almost ready for water. The Arizona Mesa on the opposite corner has had cacti and other plants adhered to the module.

National Train Day 5/11/13

We had a very successful open house on National Train Day. We had over 300 visitors and gave away 75 Junior Engineer Stickers. Thanks to the Lego folks who provided our window layout with a National Train Day scene created especially for this event. Thanks also to the HTH Students who helped display the layout to the public.

New Business:

Thank you:

Thanks to Bob Graves for evaluating and cataloging some donated American Flyer Trains and accessories. The items that can be used will be retained and the items that are not will be sold.

Future tasks:

The module alignment task, when applied to the layout, will require time when no visitors are present, possibly on a Saturday. The two, test/display modules will be the first modules to be aligned with the new jig and this could be accomplished anytime the alignment system is finalized.

A double-sided cross buck sign with flashing lights would be useful to persons looking for our clubhouse and free up the A-frame sign to be located where there is foot traffic.

Future events:

The future monthly meetings will be held on June 29 and July 27, 2013. The September meeting has been changed from the 28th to the 21st by vote of the attending club members. The next open house will be on July 13th. Mike will contact SDMRM to confirm the club’s participation at the museum this Labor Day Weekend.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

April 2013 June 2013