October 18, 2016 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the October club meeting at our clubhouse (304 on the mall map) in Grossmont Center at 10:00am. Attendees were: Alex Sibbald, Raulf Polichar, Ken Sadlock, Dale Minard, Les Smith, Mike Forys, Don Briggs, Robert Graves, John Racey, Wes Noel and Al Keil.

Introduction of new faces / Show and Tell:

John Racey, our latest member, was introduced to the club. John is from Michigan and is a member of the S.E. Michigan S Gaugers. John has been spending a lot of his time visiting his family here and decided to join our club. He is a retired teacher and enjoys building model structures. Mike Forys displayed a 1929 Operating Rules manual of the Central Vermont Railway and three other railroads that he acquired on his last trip to Northern California. Wes Noel brought in a 1993 commemorative REA Express car and a Reading Tank Car. Bob Graves brought in his TCA work train.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves’ report stated that we received $303.50 from visitor donations in August.

Standards Report:

Raulf Polichar continues to work on a modified control box for Liberty Loop. The next revision will start and stop the train at the train station. His next project will be a #6 left hand Turnout for GT2.

Publicity Report:

Dale Minard stated that Grossmont Center will host a Halloween Party on Saturday October 29. We will attend with a table featuring a G scale train. We will be directing the participants to our storefront.

Old Business:

SDSG Website:

Bob Graves reported that all pages now have page counters on our website.

PY3.5 (station expansion):

The module is ready for gluing down the track and the station platforms are in the works. (On hold)

T1 replacement frame:

The replacement frame is ready for track. (On hold)

New Gilbert Town Modules:

Two of the new Gilbert Town modules have track installed and scenery is in progress. The third module is ready for track and #6 left hand turnout for the outside main.

New Business:

Window Layout Success:

As of 10/15/2016 the window layout button has been pushed 2,996 times since our last meeting, 37,543 times since we installed it at Grossmont Center and 72,471 times since day one.

Future events:

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday November 22. The proposed 2017 calendar will be finalized at this meeting. All meetings will be held at our Suite (304 on the mall map) in Grossmont Center at 10AM. The following meeting will be on December 20th. The members voted to be open on October 31st, which is a Monday from 3PM to 6PM.


Mike Forys has solicited names for the Winery on the entrance module. The latest suggestion is “The Grossmont Grapery”.

La Mesa Courier:

The article depicting the club and its activities appeared in the August edition of the La Mesa Courier. We have had visitors tell us that they found out about us from the front page article.

Additional Window layout:

Mike Forys has constructed and wired the additional table. Dale Minard modified the center section with a router to allow our standard center sections to fit.

New Clinics:

Several suggestions for clinics were E unit repair/replace and locomotive motor replacement.

NMRA membership information:

Mike Forys will be soliciting latest NMRA membership data to submit to NMRA for 100% club.

Changes to bylaws - re new members:

Alex Sibbald researched new member qualifications in other non-profit groups and found that the only qualifications commonly required were ability to pay membership fees, minimum 18 years of age and an appreciation of trains. Disciplinary action varied from group to group depending upon the specific rules and needs of each group.

Potential expansion:

Mike Forys contacted a contractor to provide a quote to remove several existing walls to allow expansion. Mike suggested that the $12,000 necessary could be raised using crowd funding. A discussion amongst the members displayed pros and cons of approaching center management with a proposal. Final decision will be dependant upon ability to locate funding and center management’s willingness to grant the club a guaranteed lease term.

Miniature Museum:

Les Smith has proposed a visit to the Miniature Museum located in Carlsbad. Interested members will meet at Islands for lunch at 11:30 AM November 9th and proceed to the museum after lunch.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:50 AM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

September 2016 November 2016