San Diego Model Railroad Museum

Every year from 2009 to 2013, and again in 2015, the club set up its layout at the San Diego Model Railroad Museum over the long Labor Day weekend. In fulfillment of our mission statement, it's a great venue to promote S-Scale model railroading, and to educate people about S-Scale and about model railroading in general. And we always enjoyed the many people we met there. It was a fun time!

In 2016, however, we moved into our new home at Grossmont Center where we have lots of visitors every day. And by then our layout had grown so big that we could only fit half of it in the Museum. It just wasn't worth the time and effort it took to pack up the layout, move it to the Museum for a few days, and bring it back to its home. So with a sad heart, we said goodbye to those wonderful Museum visits.

Each picture below is a link to the page that shows our visit to the Museum that year.