August 24, 2010 Meeting Summary

Peter Gagnon hosted SDSG’s August meeting. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Bob Graves, Peter Gagnon, Jim Patterson and Alex Sibbald. The meeting focused mostly on event planning for the club’s modular layout.

Officers' Reports

Standards: Mike Forys reported:

    1. That a set of DCC system setup and break down instructions is needed for the layout. This need surfaced during the recent Poway show. Mike and Peter will work on drafting these instructions.

    2. The module electrical wiring standard is available for posting on the web site. Mike and Bob will cooperate in getting that done.

    3. It was proposed that a second shelf be added to the Powell Yard control console to house the DCC system components when in use. Because the new two-shelf Gilbert Siding control console has proved so popular, there was general concurrence that this be done.

    4. It was proposed that the yard side instructions, including the DCC operating instructions be laminated to the back of the Powell Yard sky boards. There was general concurrence that this be done.

Treasurer: Bob reported receipt of a contribution to the club’s general fund from Jim Patterson. This contribution will be documented in next month’s written report.

President: Peter reported that contact information for the club in now included among the clubs and organizations listed on the back cover of the San Diego Model Railroad Museum’s San Diego Telegraph, the museum’s quarterly newsletter. Thank are due to John Rotsart, the museum’s executive director, for making this happen. Also mentioned was that the two most recent issues of NMRA Magazine each contained an article by an S modeler.

Labor Day Weekend Show at the Model Railroad Museum

Everyone went out to Peter’s garage to see the temporary “odd man” module that several members quickly knocked together for our Labor Day visit to SDMRM. We needed one more 2-foot by 4-foot straight module to balance the layout module count for the visit without leaving behind the very handsome trestle bridge module that wouldn’t otherwise have had an opposite side mate. What they saw was a quick and dirty product consisting of a frame, top, roadbed and track, a little paint, and a provisional wiring harness to jumper the track bus across the odd man. We plan to rely on clamps to hold it up, and track clips to power the rails, just for this one show. Unconnected track power leads were soldered to the track to provide us a quick “Plan B” in case the track clips prove inadequate.

Following the inspection of the temporary odd man module, a vote was taken to build a permanent club owned odd man module at a cost not to exceed $150.00. The vote was unanimous. This module will have full S MOD electrical and mechanical standards compatibility, legs (probably), and will otherwise be very similar to the temporary one in that it will have mainline trackage only, and no elaborate scenery or decorative structures. This will give the club the option to bring it along when needed when selecting which modules best fit into a particular space, and to leave it behind without regrets when its not needed. As members independently build new straight modules, the need for this flexibility is likely to increase.

The transport plan for Thursday, September 2nd was worked out. We’ll be using three pickups and picking up modules a Bob’s house at about 11:45am on the way to pick up the rest of the modules that are currently in Alex’s garage. We plan to arrive at SDMRM between about 3:45 and 4:00pm. We are scheduled to have access to set up the layout starting at 4:00pm. Any club member who would like to help is welcome to join us at the museum’s back entrance.

Staffing for the event will be worked by email by Peter. We will be running during museum operating hours from opening on Friday, September 3rd through closing on Monday, September 6th, Labor Day. The members present provided an outline of their availability. A signup sheet will be circulated by email to permit other members to join in. If you have never participated in a club event and have been considering it, this is a terrific place to start.

December GTE Show – Del Mar Fairgrounds

There was a brief discussion of the club’s plans to participate in this year’s Great Train Expo in Del Mar. Scheduling of a show for this year had been in some doubt, but that has been resolved and the GTE is scheduled to be in Del Mar on December 4th and 5th, and SDSG plans to participate. Peter has received the schedule notice and will be sending in our application shortly.


Next year’s Extra 2011 West Convention, which will combine the NMRA and NASA annual conventions, will held from July 3rd through July 9th 2011 in Sacramento. Several SDSG members will be attending, and there is much interest in bringing the layout to the cooperating National Train Show being held across the street from July 8th through July 10th. We have sent in a preliminary request to participate in the show and are awaiting more complete information that is expected in mid September.

To refine our planning, we plan to measure the volume and weight of our packed modules in the near future so we can more accurately estimate what type of trailer or van we might need to rent, and what that might cost. Assuming these numbers are reasonable and we commit to the take the layout, we’ll also need to work out who will be on the driving team and staffing schedules. If you are interested in this event, please let your interests be known, as it will aid in the planning.

It was noted that word on the street is that the X2011 convention cars in S are already getting scarce. Anyone wanting one or more of these special cars should consider sending in an order by mail very soon. Web site is:

Next Club Meetings

September 28th at 7:00 pm, location to be announced

October 30th at 2:00pm, location to be announced

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

July 2010 November 2010