December 18, 2010 - Meeting Summary

Mike Forys hosted SDSG’s December meeting. Attendees were: Alex Sibbald, Bob Graves, Mike Forys, and Raulf Polichar. The following subjects were covered.

    1. We have received confirmation of our participation at the December GET show. Peter showed the hall layout and our location.

    2. Treasurer's Report: No activity during November.

    3. Mike presented the final costs for the club-owned “odd man” module and Bob issued reimbursement checks.

    4. Mike distributed an updated module list.

    5. Mike met a fellow S-Gauger at Reed's so we may have another new member.

    6. Mike bought a full sheet of Plexiglas and some skyboard material for the new modules. The extra material will be held in stock for future modules. The club voted to stock that and other standard materials like connectors; Mike will develop a list.

    7. From the club's inception, it has been agreed that any new modules developed by members must adhere to club standards in order to be included in the layout during shows. In addition, modules should ideally follow other guidelines and operating philosophies that enable members to run a variety of operating scenarios on the layout. However, a member cannot be forced to implement a design for a unique scenario if he doesn't want to. If a particular scenario is selected for a given show, only modules compatible with that scenario can it be included in the layout during that show. Amid lively discussion, this principle was reaffirmed, while acknowledging that there is sometimes a thin line between standards and guidelines, and between proposal and force.

    8. No set-up time was specified by GTE, so we'll just show up about 1:00.

    9. Raulf's new module will be ready to run, though with minimal landscaping. Alex and Bob will bring their construction vehicles to indicate “this module under construction.”

    10. Mike's new module is ready to run and should be near 100% landscaped for the show.

    11. Final test of both new modules, interfacing with existing modules, will be done at Peter's on the Sunday before the show.

    12. Modules other than Bob's will be staged at Alex's house the week before the show so Alex and Mike can load their trucks at Alex's about noon. If Roland isn't available to pick up Bob's modules, Mike or Alex will pick them up after dropping off modules at the Fairgrounds.

    13. Alex has sufficient publications for the table.

    14. Most members will be available for the whole weekend so the layout will be well manned for the event.

Discussion: New Modules

Raulf presented an idea for two new modules for interchange between mainlines. A train on either mainline could back some cars onto an interchange siding that has a grain elevator (or something like that), from which a train on the other mainline could subsequently pick them up. Discussion of various design alternatives ensued and design discussions will continue in future meetings.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

November 2010 January 2011