November 16, 2013 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the November club meeting in our clubhouse in Liberty Station. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Bob Graves, Don Briggs, Alex Sibbald, Raulf Polichar and Les Smith.

Show and Tell:

Raulf Polichar brought in a brass triple dome model tank car made by NWSL. It was one of the first brass S gauge cars available.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves reported that we took in $205.41 in clubhouse donations during October.

Standard’s report:

Raulf demonstrated the fixtures for creating number 5 and number 6 switches.

Publicity Report:

No report this month.

Old Business:


The track 7 turnout switch motor is ready for installation.


This module still needs switch control motor and clouds. (on-hold)

Lift bridge module:

The module has had the track realigned to reduce derailing incidents.

Window Layout:

Our activity counter has recorded a total of 1040 hits in the last month. Now into the 18th month of operation, the counter has recorded 18,699 hits.

SDSG Website:

Bob added pictures of member projects.

Clubhouse Improvements:

Dale Minard has enhanced the clubhouse with his airport museum created for our test module. It displays model aircraft from the WW II era as well as Dale’s custom MOW train.

Donated Trains:

Bob Graves reported that the sale of donated items have brought in $192.14 this month. He has repaired the donated Harbor Freight Station and the Glendale Station and the club voted to sell both items.

New Business:

Magnetic Auto Signs:

Mike Forys and Dale Minard are pursuing having magnetic signs created for their autos.

GTE 2013:

We will be using our two test modules to increase the width of our modular layout by 4 feet at this year’s GTE show. Dale Minard is applying a vintage airport theme to one test module. The other module will display construction vehicles to signify ongoing construction. We are working to have the turntable/roundhouse addition operational as well. The members discussed the possibility of renting a trailer for the show. The weather will determine the necessity for this expense.

Layout realignment:

The modular layout has been turned 180 degrees and the turntable/roundhouse addition has been attached. We are waiting on several items necessary to proceed with track installation.

Clubhouse Additions:

Bob Graves has purchased a first aid kit and fire extinguisher with club funds for the clubhouse. They have been mounted on the wall for ease of use.

NMRA 100% Club:

The group has been reminded that NMRA membership information has to be submitted in November for the upcoming year. Everyone should make sure that their individual, NMRA, membership is up to date.

2014 PSR Convention:

The convention will be at Courtyard by Marriott in Mission Valley from 9/3/2014 to 9/07/2014. We will be holding an open house for the attendees at the clubhouse. There is a schedule conflict with a potential SDMRR Museum visit next Labor Day Weekend which may cause us to forego attending or going at a different time. Mike Forys will find out when the layout visits are scheduled at the PSR Convention. At this time the dates have not been selected.

Boat Harbor:

The members had a brief discussion covering the possible addition of a boat harbor to the modular layout.

Future events:

The last monthly meeting of this year will be held on Dec 14, 2013. During our first meeting of 2014 on Jan 18, 2014, we will be electing officers and collecting dues ($24.00). Our next event will be the GTE Show on Dec 7 and 8 2013.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:40PM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

October 2013 December 2013