March 24, 2012 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the March club meeting in our clubhouse in Liberty Station. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Raulf Polichar, Bob Graves, Alex Sibbald and Dale Minard.

Show and tell:

Reviewed progress on blending of the C4/PY1 interface. Checked out the switch indicator on P5 and the new PY4/PY2 addition to upgrade track one from a stub to a passing siding.

Treasurer’s Report:

The treasurer reported that donations are exceeding electric bills at the clubhouse and the initial startup expenses of moving into the clubhouse are almost paid off.


The new control box for the outside main, which includes a 12vdc regulated power supply for the accessory buss now has a fan installed. Raulf has installed a led switch position indicator on PY5 for us to review.

Old Business


The lower panel extensions have been installed and painted.

NMRA Visit 03/10/12:

The visit went smooth and everyone appeared to enjoy the layout and cookies. The clubhouse really looked great for the event.

Lift bridge module:

Project progress has been slowed by the lack of metal work expertise. The club is still pursuing the design suggested by Roland that incorporates a long arm on the hinge. Several construction goals are rigidity and ease of transport.

Window Layout:

The window expansion module legs have been modified to enable adjustment. The accessory electrical pickup will be installed on both sides of the inside track.

PY1-PY2 siding addition:

Plan to install hill and tree and electrical control of switch.

SDSG Website:

Upgrade to table of contents in process.

Grand Re-opening:

National Train Day is on Saturday, May 12 and is sponsored by Amtrak. It would be a great day to celebrate our first year anniversary and have our open house. Alex will contact Amtrak and gather info.

San Diego Layout Tours:

Southern San Diego will host layout tours on July 14 per Bob Chaparro. Mike will contact Bob to coordinate tour.

New Business

Gilbert Yard Upgrade:

TMCC has been incorporated to enable some of the Gilbert Accessories to be operated remotely as well as with locally situated pushbuttons.

Things to do:

Mike handed out a list of work needed on the layout by module number detailing status. We need to prioritize work items and assign members to do the work.

Future Shows:

The club has decided not to set up our layout at The Poway Train Song Festival or the Poway Station R.B. Church event this year.

San Diego Model Railroad Museum:

Assuming we are invited back on Labor Day Weekend we will offer to set up through Tuesday, which would then have us there for Free Tuesday, a 5 day run. Mike will contact John at SDMRR Museum.

Inside staging area:

A track level shelf located inside the modular layout, for staging trains for use on the inside main line is in the feasibility and design stage.

Future dates:

The next meeting of 2012 will be held at the clubhouse on April 28 at 2:00pm. Future meeting will be on May 19. Instead of separate, work days we typically start work sessions 2 hours before scheduled clubhouse hours and 4 hours before club meetings.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

February 2012 April 2012