July 27, 2013 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the July club meeting in our clubhouse in Liberty Station. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Bob Graves, Dale Minard, Alex Sibbald, Raulf Polichar, Ken Sadlock, Al Keil and Oakley Warren.

Show and Tell:

Mike Forys brought in several telephone pole types for us to review. We will be installing them on the Liberty Loop RR. Al Keil brought some flyer steamer wheels and a link coupler-locking device. Les Smith brought in copies of manuals from various railroads.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob Graves reported that we took in $118.39 in clubhouse donations during June.

Standard’s report:

The new pin alignment system for our modules is now complete. One of the Gilbert Siding modules is being reworked due to track work that has deteriorated. The original foam core under the roadbed is being replaced with hardboard.

Old Business:


The track has been straightened to reduce interference with the icing platform and its parking lot. The track 7 turnout switch motor is on order.


This module still needs switch control motor and clouds. (on-hold)

Lift bridge module:

The Entry/ Exit module is operational however it needs to be lowered gently, no need to push it down. The track alignment has been adjusted and some more of the landscape has been colored.

Window Layout:

Our activity counter has recorded a total of 1174 hits in the last month.

Upgrade SDSG Website:

Items that need addressing are reducing the side menu, adding Lands End ordering sheet & Membership application and updating module developments. (Ongoing effort)

Window Scenery Update:

A new building has appeared temporarily on the Liberty Loop. The “Up the Creek” canoe and boat shop is reaching completion and should be residing full time next month. More landscaping has been done.

Open House July 13:

The Open House was a success and the fold-up rail cars that Les Smith created were a hit with the kids.

Donated Trains:

Bob Graves reported that some of the donated items have been sold.

New Business:


The task of publicity has been taken on by Dale Minard. He will be the single point of information for all media.

GTE 2013:

We will be using our two test modules to increase the width of our modular layout by 4 feet at this year’s GTE show. Landscaping needs to be done on both modules.

SDMRM Labor Day Visit:

Teardown of the modular layout will take place on Wednesday, August 28. We will be transporting and setting up on Thursday and operating at the SDMRM Friday thru Monday. Teardown and transport will occur after operating hours on Monday. Setup back at the clubhouse will be on Wednesday, Sept. 4.

Future events:

The future monthly meetings will be held on Aug 24, and Sept 21, 2013. We will be hosting an open house on Tuesday, August 27th in conjunction with the layout tour of the Narrow Gauge Convention.

2015 NMRA Convention:

Mike brought up the NMRA convention to be held in Portland, Oregon in 2015. Reason is to determine interest in weather or not we should take the layout to the National train show.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:50PM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

June 2013 August 2013