April 28, 2012 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S Gaugers held the April club meeting in the clubhouse at Liberty Station. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Oakley Warren, Bob Graves, Alex Sibbald and Dale Minard.

Show and tell:

Reviewed progress on window module and citrus shed.

Treasurer’s Report:

The treasurer reported that donations are exceeding electric bills at the clubhouse and the initial startup expenses of moving into the clubhouse are paid off.


Raulf is upgrading two Amtrak Trains to operate on DCC for the open house.

Old Business

PY4/PY5 Passing Siding

Raulf is constructing a switch for the interface. Mike is working on small bridge.

Lift bridge module:

On Hold, waiting for Design.

Window Layout:

The window expansion module is installed and operational and the window display is now officially named Liberty Loop. The accessory electrical pickups have been installed on both sides of the inside track. The ballasting and portals are completed and the mountain is being constructed.

SDMRM Labor Day Visit:

Mike will get in touch with John at SDMRM to decide on four or five day event. Staying over for the 5th day would keep us there for Free Tuesday.

SDSG Website:

Upgrade to table of contents in process.

National Train Day:

National Train Day is on Saturday, May 12 and is being celebrated by Amtrak and SDSG. We will also be celebrating the first year anniversary of our clubhouse on that day with an open house. Festivities will start at 11AM and finish up around 4PM. Bob and Dale are working on providing stickers for kids.

San Diego Layout Tours:

Southern San Diego will host layout tours on July 14 and we are included. Liberty Station is holding movie night on the South Promenade on the same day so that will be our next open house. It will run from about 11AM until 8PM or whenever the movie begins.

New Business

Gilbert Yard Upgrade:

TMCC has been incorporated to enable some of the Gilbert Accessories to be operated remotely as well as with locally situated pushbuttons. Some problems still need to be resolved.

Things to do:

Mike handed out a list of work needed on the layout by module number detailing status. Current priorities are Liberty Loop construction, PY4/PY5 addition and inside layout staging area. We also need to come up with a name for our modular layout. All members will be polled for possible names. One suggestion is San Diego and Arizona Western.

Future dates:

The next meeting of 2012 will be held at the clubhouse on May 19th at 2:00pm. (Work session will start at 10:00am) Future meetings are scheduled for June 22nd, July 28th and Aug. 25th.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

March 2012 May 2012