April 20, 2021 - Meeting Summary

The San Diego S-Gaugers held the March club meeting at our clubhouse and on Zoom at 10:00AM. Attendees were: Mike Forys, Ken Sadlock, Raulf Polichar, Robert Graves, Les Smith, Dale Minard, Don Briggs, Scott Lewis, Wes Noel, and Alex Sibbald.

Introduction of new faces / Show and Tell:

Scott brought his friend, Lenny Carapezza to the meeting, who then joined the club.

Treasurer’s Report:

This month Bob Graves reported $41.22 profit from the sale of donated trains.

Standards Report:

Raulf Polichar repaired several switches that had caused derailments.

Publicity Report:

Mike Forys and Les Smith are updating the club's layout descriptions on the NASG website.

Old Business:

Website Update:

Scott Lewis suggested we setup QR codes for fast access to the club website and linkage from our list of available donated trains to our website.

New Clinics:


SN3 Addition Status:

Ken Sadlock and Mike Forys are working on the stone wall. After completion the layout can be put back against the wall and work can commence on the tracks. Mike Forys is developing an operating scenario for the layout.

Window Layout Success and Visitor Attendance:

As of 04/17/2021 the Window Layout Button 1 has been pushed 1070 times and Window Layout Button 2 has been pushed 1350 times for a total of 2420 times since March 9th or 181,947 times since we first installed one at Grossmont Center and 222,275 times since day one.

New Business:

Operating Session:

The club discussed a potential closed operating session and it is possible but will require planning and preparation if the club wishes to pursue this option. Raulf Polichar will design an uncoupling tool that will be needed during any operating session.

Future events:

The next meetings will be on Tuesdays, May 18th, and June 22, 2021 and will be held at our clubhouse and on Zoom.


Mike Forys reported that the window layouts are working well and the buttons are operating. Raulf Polichar, Bob Graves, and Scott Lewis volunteered their Plasticville buildings to replace the Easter decorations on the window layout.

Lego Day:

June 26 is the earliest date for restarting Lego Day and is dependent upon the Pandemic situation at that time.

Club Librarian:

Dale Minard, the SDSG club librarian, reported no problems with persons accessing the database.

Club Business:

Mike Forys is checking with the liability policy insurance from the NMRA as to non-members operating the layout.

Other Items:

NMRA 2021 convention in Santa Clara July 4th to July 10th 2021 has been cancelled. A virtual convention is being setup on the same days for $49.00.

NASG convention in Buffalo, NY this year has been cancelled and will return to Buffalo in 2022.

Mall Management will change from CBRE to Federal Realty in June.

Trainshow.com is the new site for all train shows.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:34 AM.

Next I'd like to read the minutes for:

March 2021 May 2021